Sunday, March 25, 2012

Messages from Vina


Re:Sister Dear!, Feb 14 2012, 01:44 AM

Dearest Sister Sammie~~

Haha Ya right. Probably the love was so strong it shakes the ground haha Yeah, I think there are more and more natural disaster for the past few years. I hope that the situation is getting better by now, and I'm sorry for those who lost their family.

Hahaha maybe it's time for you to get a new keyboard? My old computer's mouse kinda dying too, I need to click for like 10 times for 1 successful click hahahahha

Yeah, sadly, next week is their goodbye stage. I wonder if they will win. Seriously, it's really sad that they didn't get triple crown. I watched a video on youtube ( ) where our maknae said that he saw that we work really hard this time round and wanted them to win so much after their first winning, and then they didn't get first, so most of the A+ are apologizing so he want to comfort us and tell us need not to be sorry. Aaaaawww I was really touched. Like so touched. Our maknae~~ I love him more & more now! growing mature now! Yeah, even though they lose the award, they won in capturing our hearts heartemo.pngproud A+!!

oh my, I'm already proud being a pure A+, that, that post, really touching!!! I mean, really, the only idol group that ever make me so in love, obsessed(?) is MBLAQ, I ever like other idol but not truly until so long, I just like for a short period and then that's all in the past hahahaha, but really, MBLAQ is the first idol group that makes me want to try hard to make them number 1 cause I feel that they deserve it. I don't like it when people were like 'omg MBLAQ? I don't like them, why do you like them, their song's are not really nice and blahblahblah' I really hate it when they look down on MBLAQ, I swear that's freaking annoying but then I don't know how to explain to them how great they are, unless they are A+ themselves and feel how we feel as an A+. I'm seriously really really proud to be an A+ even though not Frighteningly well-mannered since 2009 but since 2011 hahahaha the year when I truly in love with them. I knew them by early 2011, when I fell in love with their song, Cry. Still my all-time favourite! I'm really proud and glad that I've joined this frighteningly well-mannered family. OH YEAH.

Hahaha I didn't finish watching that, I can't even remember which episode last watched. I think it's episode 2 if I'm not wrong, and I agree that they are funnier than MBLAQ, I think MBLAQ are really funny during the Sesame Player hahaha yeah forever number 1!!!! I like it when they tease Junsu! hahahaha it's so funny, oh Mason and Mavin is in the 2pm show?! I gotta watch~ I like Mason, and Leo kinda reminds me of him hahaha

Hahaha sure! sure! I'll remember to invite you and "your husband" hahaha I haven't too! hahahaha

Yezza~ I hate being force too, especially when my sister LOVES to make me wear clothes that is too revealing and I don't like it just because she says it'll looks good in me. hahaha

Tuition is like extra lesson outside school with private teachers, like repeating what you've learn in school so you'll do better hahaha I think that's somehow what tuition is. Now, I realize that not every where there's tuition, and I never heard of tuition in any western movies too. hahaha ohmy.gifyour father must be a very strict father. I think probably your father wants you to get the course that actually can help you to find work in the future, but I'm glad that you get the course that you want eventually. Cause if you didn't, no point that you study for it cause you're not even interested could ended up not doing well right? No you haven't told me this before haha i don't mind you repeat smile.gifsometimes you just need to relate right~ haha cheeseburger.gif

Haha to me Joonie's the first, second would be Mir and Seungho the third, G.O the fourth and Thunder the fifth! I think Joonie and Mir's way of teaching the kids would never be appreciated cause they goes by the hard way hahaha but really, the one that trying the hardest is Joonie, who treat them all equally as if he's their real father, like how he will treat his children in the future, both Joonie and Mir are that kind of appa who won't keep goes in the children way instead trying to be fair and discipline them, punish/scold them if they are wrong, which I think is how a father should be. I remember when they went to shopping and Seungho keep asking what Lauren wants, and Mir said to him to be fair, and think about the other two kids too instead of buying whatever Lauren wants, but Seungho still ended up buying Lauren's strawberry tooth paste hahaha and Joonie take care of every kids, plays with Leo, comfort Dayoung when she's sad and hugged her when she cried. My heart melts. When Mir pushed her away, he directly went to her. But still, the kids still don't know his sincerity. Dayoung even chose Mir who made her cry as the second appa she likes. and Lauren is really becoming naughty as she said she chose Mir as second appa because she pities him ahahhahahhaha that's really funny. And as for G.O, he has a long way to go to be a good father hahahaha he needs to understand Dayoung's feelings and mind first! and Thunder, I think he lack of interaction with the kids, but he's really close with Leo! Leo listen to him the most. But, due to Joonie's absent, I kinda agree that Seungho is the best appa in episode 4, cause I think that Mir is right in not really serious way of scolding Lauren when she shouted at Seungho 'Go Away!' hahahahha in english!! ahahhaha I actually cried. I really feel bad on commenting that Dayoung doesn't want to listen to the appas. But actually she always have a reason behind, which actually reminds me of me & my sister's birthday party when I cried because I didn't get the cake I want, and my sister got to chose the cake she wants, my parents ask me why I cried, but I refuse to talk. I totally can relate to her after the flashback of myself. hahaha to be honest, I'm that kind of shy kid, even until now, I can only be like crazy like this with people I feel close to, my family and friends, like you. So most of my relatives thinks that I'm super quiet girl just because I don't talk much.

That's really hard on them as they had to go for their performance and other variety show, I think their schedule are really packed, just look at Seungho's dark circle hahahhahaha and I see that Joonie's growing skinnier now. sad.gifI hope after this goodbye stage they can have more rest. Charge up for next comeback!

Yeah! How I wish I chose SK not SG (singapore) hahahaha maybe I can be their omma and wife~~ hahahaha yeah, but it's too late now for us to migrate there hahaha the KA+ are so lucky!!!

Exactly, my friend have the same situation as us too, too much video, not enough memory hahahha and my heart aching when I have to delete video~ hahahaha I'm on my break of downloading actually, watching it online instead but only kpopstar cause i watch that without subs, the rest are eating my memory ahahhaha

Hahaha I tweeted to him to! I asked him to RT my tweet as I send him the link to my video! and he did! he even wrote first video tribute or something like that hahahah I was really thankful! I see, so that's why probably Leo's parents didn't retweet maybe because of that too. Yeah, my video is actually what I want to tell him but ended up feels like I'm just spreading it around for A+ to watch hahahahha sigh... really want him to watch~ but I wrote it in english.... I wonder he'll understand, he can't even pronounce 'daughter' hahaha Yeah, please watch it, and comment about it! I would love feedbacks biggrin.gifand I'm sorry if my comments on Hello Baby's a bit too naggy and I feel that I kinda mixed up reality and variety show. sad.gifmy bad.

With lots and lots of love♥♥♥♥
your darling sister, vina

Re:Sister Dear!, Feb 28 2012, 12:48 AM

oh my darling Sammie~~

oh my god, I thought where have you been hahaha. It's okay, take your time, I'll be waiting for you~~
aaaww, so you're a sonsaengnim now? hahaha Ms Yang~~ don't forget you were once a student too~ hahaha you'll be a great teacher!! cheeseburger.gif

Yeah, hahaha but somehow I really pity Joonie, kids don't really like him. hahahahaha punishment daddy might shout too much at them hahaha. and kids like Seungho~ dayoung plays with him happily~ and they get really close right now cheeseburger.gifso cute~

Hoho, yeah me too~, aaww hahahaha bias list increasing~~ biggrin.gifdid you see Junsu's childhood picture? he looks so cute~
I think he already have that kind of grandfather style since young hahahaha
Hahahaha I agree with you~! I have never ending bias list hahaha okay~ I'll be waiting~

Yeah! It's very funny! really, especially Jaebeom! and Boom the MC always bully him! If jeabeomie still in 2pm he'll be my number 1 in 2pm~!
hmm, I can't really remember MBLAQ's but probably 2pm's? kekeke
Yeah, everybody loves MBLAQ's Hello Baby~ best season ever! I heard that it was subbed into 7 languages in youtube~!

Always thinking of you too~
and will be waiting ^^
with ♥♥♥vinaaa~

Re:Sister Dear!, Mar 12 2012, 01:50 AM

My loving sisterrr Sammie<3

Oh I miss you so much~~ hahaha thanks to your cousin and i hope your papa bought a new one soon~
Thank you for watching my video hahaha it's okay as long as you've watched and you've comment now hahahha aaawww i hope so too heartemo.png3
Oh I don't understand even a bit what he said hahaha and obviously lauren and leo didn't understand hahaha i don't even think that's english hahaha he said that? i didn't watch the eng sub version until that part so i didn't know hahaha yeah i read that he said he'll make the script more focus on the boys and the kids heartemo.pngand i swear, episode 8 wasn't even that nice, cause most of it didn't show seungho & lauren sad.gifbecause of seungho's injury and lauren's sick after she saw an accident. Let's hope your hubby and daughter recover faster and comeback to Hello Baby :333 I miss them~ and also episode 8 are mostly about the omma and the boys only, they don't really show that they are take caring the kids, i hope it'll be better, i don't want them to waste the episodes since it's only gonna left with 4 episodes sad.gif

Yeah, the omma's are like dancing roly poly balet and sexy dance? ohmygod i was like it's hello baby not we got married. You're gonna shocked at the result later, cause i thought omma #1 would win too.

But on twitter dayoungie omma said that G.O will forever be Dayoung's number 1 appa hahahah so joonie would forever be last place appa now cause Mir totally caught Leo's heart and became number 1 appa and doongie fell to the second appa but he still didn't want to acknowledge it hahahah

I think they won't since he made Leo cried everytime he plays with Leo, so.... most probably he'll stay last place! hahahaha that's sad to see him trying so hard but fails hahaha Yeah! I want the boys to be close with all the kids heartemo.pngdayoungie sure is cute but she always have that chic face on her during interviews hahahaha and btw, Lauren is an A blood type too! ohmygod, A blood type family~~~

Oh yeah, my friends both from indo and singapore said that the first time they saw me I look like a quiet and kind girl, but after they know me I'm different but seriously how can I be rude with a person who's totally stranger before knowing them right? geez hahahha

I love it too it's so difficult but they are be able to do it ohmygod i'm so proud even though i don't really like the song but i swear the choreography is really good~ but sadly those performances didn't included my brother-in-law sad.gifi hope he'll recover faster and comeback before their goodbye stage~! yeah joonie got hurt but it wasn't serious so don't worry! hehe yeah but I saw seungho in one of an event i hope he really recovered, and comeback to the stage and all the shows he did cheeseburger.gif
Hahahaha ohmygod SeungJunTaecKhun hahahha Junsu or Junho?! hahahha obviously the grandfather-like Kim Junsu hahaha I love both chic-dol and beastly-dol too~ I got my chic-dol as my first place of course~ my bias in 2PM is WooYoung~ he's so cute~ and Khunnie~ he's super cute too~ hhahahha

Yeah, exactly, I swear they are way better idol! They are not idol just to accept love and fame from their fans, they show love to us and really show the quality of being an idol~! yeah that's why I love my balqies heartemo.png

My sister is 93 liner and I'm 94 liner, we're just one year apart hahaha I don't know maybe i'm more like my father and she's more like my mother so we're kinda different kkkkkk^^ aaaahh yeah go for an english class with our maknae mir and gym classes with our taecyeonie hahahaha

So fast? I gotta buy a new hard disk before i start download everything hahahaha okay! Roger that! I think they are busy with their hands up tour i heard it was going on for 7 months? ohmy.gifLOL I don't know if I remember it correctly but yeah it's really long i guess. but they are really funnier in Idol Army, because there's Jaebeomie, it's his real name his stage name now is Jay Park and he has new album now it's called New Breed, I don't really listen to his solo albums hahahaha I really really like Wooyoung after Jaebeom and furthermore with Wild Bunnies! he's so cute baby wooyoung~ and they are just like MBLAQ qhen they are with 2AM omg Jokwon forever reminds me of G.O they are so pervert hahahhaha but it's really funny it's sad that they actually stop the episode till episode 6 or 7 because of the Jaebeom's controversies at that time :'( Yeah! you should and he's the leader! and now there's no leader in 2PM, they are like no one can replace Jay Park as our leader! yeah! I agree! I miss this dorky leader too~

Hehe I'm glad you like it cheeseburger.gif

God Bless You too my forever loved sister!
your dorky-lover sister (kkkkk)

Re:Sister Dear!, Mar 21 2012, 11:59 PM

My dear sister Sammie~

hahaha omg I'll be back! and you're back~ aaw happy for you~~~ ^^
hahahhaha omg yeah, spamming his mentions on twitter kekekeke hope he won't block us because we're sucha nuisance hahahhaha
Yeah, I didn't watch 8th & 9th episodes eng sub because thevolcanosilver didn't sub ep 8 and 9 has just finished subbed~ keke maybe i'll watch few days later hohoho now i'm watching the moon embraces the sun last episode! omg this show is nizeeee~ yeah all A+ are disappointed in that episode! you can see that by the comments on youtube raw vids. sigh and it's already episode 9 and yang leader hasn't comeback on hello baby~~~ i want yang-appa back~ lauren miss him so much... dayoungie too~ yeah the omma didn't appear anymore~ YAY SO HAPPY OLALA~ exactly she's practically just sat there and watch and i think she actually appears on the camera for less than 15 minutes. hahahahha Hello Maid hahaahhaha the whole time searching for 'maid' is totally wasted, it's like she didn't actually did her job as an omma after she's chosen and even after she's chosen she didn't really clean the house, just the apron makes her looks like a maid hahhahahhaha

I wish they would extend it too! sigh, it's so short, just 12 episodes... i want to watch more of MBLAQ's Hello Baby~~ hahahaha yeah sometimes Leo is just so unpredictable, Joonie made him cry and he said Joonie is the real appa, but I think he likes Mir a lot too~ he didn't say sorry to G.O when he only has one drink for Doongie but he did say sorry to Mir hahahaha I believe Dayoung has changed her mind too! She played happily with Mir during the recording time! I think even G.O is jealous~ but now I think the one left never really interact with Dayoung is Doongie~ I hope he'll get close with Dayoungie and Lauren since he's only close with Leo, and the other appa did get close with all the kids hahahaha it's going to end soon he should faster get into the father and children relationship with the girls~ ahhaha A type family? add me in too~~ hahahaha I'm A type blood too~ I'll be the omma hahahahaah -thick-skinned- tongue.gif

Yeah yeah man~ hahaha oh yeah~ *HANDS-UP+LEGS-UP* kekekeke yeah, and I just downloaded the new song for free on soribada which actually legal download~ I think it only gonna open for free for 2 days starting from today~ 21/3 kkkk I don't really listen to any song recently and rarely MBLAQ's song too hahahhaha too many drama and show to watch kkkkk yeah, new repackage album won't have promotion like performance and stuff because of the injuries my bro-in-law suffered and their packed schedule but I think it's kinda nize~ I listened to it once after finished downloaded hahahaha
I like them a lot too~ both of them are the best idol~! beastly-dol and chic-dol!! kkkkk two of all the kpop groups that I love the most~! maybe if i watch more 2pm shows I'll be a hottest too~ I was under their spell when I watch their Idol Army! currently #2 place~~~ cheeseburger.gif

Really? hahhaha cool~ I have 2 same age sisters~~ she actually hasn't into kpop yet but already into kdramas~! finally influenced her into kdrama at least~ heehehhe Taec is the cook in 2pm? really? I thought he's the one who eats like Seungho hahahha I think he's kinda like Joonie, he sleeps a lot! and watch Wild Bunnies~ it's funny you'll see their dorm actually~ cheeseburger.gif
hoho I just watch first episode... I guess I'll watch it soon! after I get my hard disk, I'll download it asap~! LOLOLOL I didn't remember that but that's funny! ahahhahahhhaha omg I watched online subbed! that's why~ Jokwon is! hahahhaha even the recent news said he got jap animes girl with big boobs as his mouse pad and a sexy girl as his desktop wallpaper hahahahhahah but really 2pm and 2am are really cute together. I really hope they would~! but it's kinda impossible... sad.gifsigh he shouldn't have left at the first place!


Wish our Yang-Kim-Ok-Horvejkul seonsaengnim will always be happy everyday cheeseburger.gif
Belated White day too you too~ ^^
with lots of love♥♥♥vina~

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