Monday, November 14, 2011

Message for Vina

November 13, 2011

My Very Wonderful Sister Vina ♥♥♥ !!

I actually didn't study for a long time but because this is a memorizing subject, I'm afraid that if i don't study I won't pass, so I studied but then I regret it. And I did it twice, I feel so dumb ㅠ

You just did what you have to do. The exam came out unexpectedly like that so you should not feel dumb ^^ Dumb people are the ones who don’t care about their studies.

by play I mean watch drama and stalk my biases hahahahhaha and I just watched Dream High, it's so nize! I don't know but to me it's so nize and now Kim SooHyun is in my bias list now~!

Aw ~ so that is what you meant of play ^^ I like it, hahaha! I see you’re not busy anymore; how good! I’ll find out about Kim SooHyun tomorrow! I’m curious of who he is ^^

I like the MV cause Joonie really looks cute there~ aaaaahhhh hahahahha

This makes me want to see Bubble Pop now! My sister who watched it also said he’s very cute there! Speaking of “Cute Joonie”, have you seen myjanggun’s twitpics of him? He’s very, very cute there; he’s Changsun in those pics!! How very lucky of Australian A+’s to see our MBLAQ~

but I'm sorry to say that, they ain't that good looking so I don't really bias-ing them and I don't really watch shows with B2ST member inside, except for Oh! My School which Joonie is in the show too.

You don’t have to be sorry because we have the same opinion ^^ When I saw them first time and knew that they’re very famous in South Korea, I was very shocked! To me, the only one good-looking there is Kikwang but I never got attracted to him.
I guess you have watched all OMS episodes already, hehe! I have watched only one episode of that — when Joonie & Kikwang had a dance showdown ^^
I think MBLEAST are not so close anymore. The closest members of B2ST to MBLAQ this time are only Dongwoon and Yoseob...

Haha that picture! I remember, it was an unglam when I saw it I keep laughing! It was so funny hahahahhaahha I bet it's too unglam that Seungho wants to protect his image so he didn't post it anywhere hahaha

You’re right; that’s the picture I’m talking about! If Seungho posts that, it would definitely be the talk of the world!! Their names will be the first in search engines! Seungho shouldn’t worry because they look very cute there, hahaha!! biggrin.gif

If only I can download the super large files of that episode, I would have taken a screencap of it and make it my profile photo!

Hoping when they come I'm already in Singapore cause I've long holiday till next year March… HAHAHAHA then I can earn money to buy a nice camera and take a lots of Seungho pictures for you too!! :3

Woahh?? Your holiday lasts from November to March? That’s soo long, how very lucky of you! Here, we only have holidays which last for only one or two weeks!
Of course you will already have lots of money that time to buy the nicest camera which even if you’re a thousand meters away from them, you can still take very HQ photos!! Thank you very much in advance for Seungho’s photos! Kyaaa!!!

she's not that kind of girl that would likes this kind of stuff! …moreover, she has boyfriend already so least possibility I can influence her. HAHAHA

Awch ~ influencing her would really take a long time! The situation here is different: my elder sister wants Joonie to be her first and last boyfriend, yay!

Hahaha why?

I am not very close to my friends — I’m more of a family girl. Since the time I successfully spread the MBLAQ virus to my sisters, I felt there is no need for me to spread the virus to other people anymore. Plus, my friends are so addicted to Hollywood stars. They love Western beauties very much *scratches head*

My friends' biases are, TVXQ, SHINee, B2ST, CNBLUE, Super Junior, BigBang, 2NE1, 2AM, and 2PM.

Those groups are very famous in the northern part of Philippines — and when you go to music shops here, you’ll only see those groups’ albums…
Honestly speaking, MBLAQ’s songs are as nice as the songs of those groups but for me, MBLAQ’s songs are the BEST!!

You need to study, Sammie! No more fangirling for you~~~~~~ HAHAHHA jk

Hehehe, at high school, I wasn’t yet fangirling and was an anti-Kpop ~ Actually, after meeting MBLAQ, I got higher scores in math-related subjects. That’s how inspired I am of them smile.gif I haven’t yet watched that clip for SAT exam takers! Surely, the A+’s who watched it got very high scores!!
Joonie, even he's trying to draw a nice picture of them, he'd ended up drawing it ugly like what he did in the Idol Army show where he drew the lil girl's face really really really very ugly even though he didn't do it in purpose instead he's trying to draw it nicely. hahahahha

Ahahaha! When I saw his drawing, I almost died laughing, and thinking about it now makes me laugh!! Sujeong (the little girl) when asked in SGB who was the MBLAQ member she didn’t like, she said Joonie, and that drawing was the reason! Yahahaha!

My sister was the one who updates it. In fact, she was the one who answered you when you asked something ^^ She tried to sound like me, hehehe! And she told me something about you — your birthday is October 1, 1994! Woaah! No wonder why I feel very close to you. I don’t believe in horoscope but I find some true things in it. Your zodiac sign is Libra and I’m Gemini… it’s said that these zodiac signs go well together ^^
I think Mir did update for the first few updates and the rest seems to be the J.Tune Camp's admin

Mir?! Oh my!! I hope he would reply to us there and that others would update it ♥
It’s really good that me2day has an English version now. Before, I had much difficulty using it because it’s all Korean!

don't let mblaq becomes the reason you didn't do well for your studies! you can do it!

Thank you very much! I will try my best!! I am afraid I’m using them as an inspiration wrongly — because right now, I’m addicted to their song “You and I” (OST for Scent of a Woman) inside my mind. Have you heard it already? It’s very calming to the heart!! I’m supposed to think of a topic for my thesis but I keep listening to it, oh my :S

I bet he didn't received mine too, since I had my twitter account locked but I still sent him anyway through both me2day and twitter hahaha.

He would receive yours but only he can read it! He’s very thankful to you for those greetings!! wink.gif

I will always miss you very much, too (T_T)
I’m afraid I’ll be having a longer absence now ~

Ever devotedly yours and sending you much, much love,
heartemo.png Sammie

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