Friday, November 11, 2011

Message for Hazimah

Nov 5 2011, 12:43 AM

My Very Precious Hazimah!!!

my exam is soon, so il be busy starting this week T-T but by 24th ill be free and hope to see you then!!!!:D

Hoping you will still have time for visiting the forum! It’s not okay if you don’t get updated about MBLAQ! They are your inspirations and they bring good luck wink.gif I also hope that everything you’ve studied will come out! A big Fighting for your studies and upcoming exams!! biggrin.gif You’re soo lucky to be free on 24! I can’t promise if we’d see each other that time but I’ll try to send you little messages! smile.gif
i dont like essaysss huhu.

Me, too! I’m a disaster at it. I watched MBLAQ Goes to School today and Cheondung said he also hates it ~ hehe, we’re all the same ; )) I will be a high school teacher. I am even not sure if I can handle that job because I don’t know how to teach other people and I always stutter when I’m speaking : S
btw im okay with calculations better than essays

Wow!! (clapping hands) I suffer headaches when I do calculations x_x I’m better in sleeping, hehe! Oh my, all your subjects are in essay right now!! I thought that you are doing more calculations ~ anyways, Nov. 24 is coming nearer so all your sufferings will end soon! ; ) You will not have those essays anymore! DAEBAK!

I will also give you signed MBLAQ cds if my sister’s dreams will come true ;D

yeah if buy from korea, it counts for their selling chart right?

Yep you’re right! Speaking about selling chart, I hope Baby U will be #1 in Oricon! I’m happy that they’re in #2 but it would be better if they will be in #1~!!
how lucky is your sister she already graduate!! ours have long wayyy to go T-T

Huhuhu, that’s the reason why I really feel jealous of my sister because she already finished the challenges of college (T_T)
You’ll be graduating next March, right? If yes, you just have to wait for 5 months and all will be over smile.gif I am the one who has a looong way to go …

i doubt this hehehehe!!! she needs money for her own obsession too lol

Hohohoho! If that’s the case, I wish she will lose her memory about your debts wink.gif

hehe, at least just to think you are touching the same land with MBLAQ is so cool!! hehe

Hmm… I’ll just make myself contented of watching their arrival at the airport on TV :’(
I will be very soo jealous of the ones who will greet them there!!
Dearie, don’t lose hope, they will really include Brunei! If they can’t make a concert there, at least, a fan-signing event !! Make sure to come and have lots of pictures with them! Also autographs!! : D

i totally forgot about this part T-T yeah i though it was strange too, aigooo... T-T

Indeed, it’s very strange of him… I fell in love with Seungho because what he looks for in his ideal girl are her good values & traits instead of the physical appearance… but when I read about that “western body”, my world broke into tiny pieces (T_T)

wow a year? hehe maybe not one of your most fav? hehe should drink some ^^

Sprite is my 4th most favorite drink (1st is water, 2nd is fresh milk, 3rd is chocolate milk, hehehe) I cannot buy it because I have no money, yay!

i didnt know about this O_o kyaaaah!!!! thanks so much!!! hehe i will try ^^

You’re very welcome and thank you soo much for trying that method!

hehe this time, i really want to make them cry because they are happy T_T

I hope we will reach this goal!! I want the memory of winning 1st place for ‘Y’ happen again! Soo very sadly (and I must be punished for this), I wasn’t able to vote for them during Mona Lisa promotions because Mnet website doesn’t open here at those times (T_T) Have I told you before that SHINee will also be coming back in December? We have to work harder that month and I hope Korean A+’s will do the same!!

arrrghhh have you read a post by suka she met all mblaq member? she said his eyes are bright, that she couldnt take her eyes of him, didnt even have the chance to look at his lips because of his eyes... oh nooo!!! i want to see his eyes too >_< it might be sooo irresistible like panda keke

What post of suha?? May you please give me the link of it? Thank you sooo much in advance! I want to read it, too!! Oh my…. I’m dying!!
How very sooo lucky she is!!! I feel sooo jealous of her!! (T_T)
Honestly, the first time I saw Seungho, I fell in love with his eyes ♥♥♥♥♥ … Even from photos, you can clearly see his eyes are very bright, like the most beautiful moon… Maybe if I was suha, I also will not be able to take my eyes away from his eyes!! My gosh!!! I’m making this message before I go to sleep — I hope I would dream of him so that I could also look at his eyes !! You, too, you must have a dream of him and look at his eyes!! ♥♥♥♥♥
Of all the men in the world that I saw, he has the most beautiful eyes heartemo.png

I’m very sorry for saying many words about Seungho… I have to say what’s in my heart or else I will have heart attack!

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