Friday, August 5, 2011

Be Truthful

I’ve never been in a relationship before but there’s a thing that I should say to boyfriend-girlfriend couples, especially those who think they’ll marry each other eventually. This thing must be considered by both; they must do this.

The only thing I want to tell them is to act truthfully while still in that level. Whatever one feels, he/she must show it! Whatever his/her real personality is, he/she must show it! No pretentions! Pretentions are very harmful!

From real life stories, I noticed that couples separate/divorce because they just discovered the “real personality” of the person they loved and trusted after they married. Then, they say that they made a wrong decision — obviously, that leads to a sad ending : (

There are persons who act pretentiously while they are just in the BF-GF relationship level. For example, this boy/girl was very kind, caring, understanding, and always promising sweet things to their “loved one” when they were still in that level. But when they got married, that same boy/girl would hit, nag, torture, not care at all, and would just say regrets and bad things. How saddening! One thinks that “this is the right guy/girl for me because he/she is blah, blah, blah…”, but it turns out after marriage that he/she has entered hell.

So, you who reads this, whether you’re a guy or girl and you are in a BF-GF relationship, act the way you REALLY are! If you get angry with your boyfriend/girlfriend, do the things that you usually do when you get angry. If you are not caring at all, show that you are not caring. If you disagree with your partner, tell him/her. If you don’t want to come with him/her, tell your reason why you won’t. By being REAL, you’ll know whether your partner loves you unconditionally, whether he/she really understands and is fair with you. To know someone accepts all your good and bad traits/sides, and loves you truthfully and completely for who and what you are, is extremely moving and will really give you the feeling like you are in Heaven!!

Again, I say BE TRUTHFUL to the one you love ♥

However, there are more things I want to say about Love. Judging what I written above, there are many lacking things. I’d tell those “lacking things in my next post because I’ll handle my school works first : )

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