Monday, July 25, 2011

Let’s Support and Help our President, Not Criticize!

July 25- State of the Nation Address of Philippine Pres. Benigno Aquino III

I think the President of Philippines has done well. It’s poor of him to receive much criticism from activists.

Those people just want to feel instant good change. They don’t understand that making a great change in just a year is easy.

Won’t they just think about helping him? What’s hard here in Philippines is that people always criticize the government.

If they want instant change, they must act, like helping poor people in their own initiative, or organizing livelihood programs!

That will make a change. Those are more helpful since those will make people to be more productive, than just organizing rallies on streets to scream out their grievances.

They must not wait for the government to act. They must act themselves before they criticize.

They must just criticize if the government is starting to be dishonest! Actually, the gov’t is still honest this time!

And is it government’s fault that prices of goods are increasing continually? It isn’t! Prices of goods increase worldwide simultaneously! It’s the business-owners’ faults because they want to gain profit!

P.S. If we, Filipinos, want Philippines to improve, we must help each other — and helping each other means also helping the government! Being a President is definitely not an easy job so we must understand if he cannot change Philippines in just a year!

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