Monday, February 13, 2012

Messages from Vina

Re:Sister Dear!!, Feb 1 2012, 11:32 PM

My Dearest darling sister Sammie~!

OMGOMGOMG I'M SO GONNA GO CRAZY RIGHT NOW. MBLAQ's 2012 FIRST WIN, MCD! SO HAPPY. but then, I feel bad that I didn't manage to catch it live (online streaming) and didn't help much on voting and adding to their scores. but still, it feels so great to know that they actually won it. and because of this they had been on twitter worldwide trending topic 1st place for #MBLAQWins , cool right omg so proud~ forever proud. love them hahahahha really hope that they'll win again tomorrow for MuBank~~!!! aaah their dream is to win mubank, they gotta seize all of this week's music shows~! pray hard!!

ohmy.gif you had nose-bleed? are you ok? congrats~ finally free of stress now~ cheeseburger.gif haha no problem cause in that case, we'll have to thank each other then. wink.gif don't have to thank me cause that's what sisters do~

ohmy.gif don't feel sad. stolen money can be earn again, you're alright is what matters smile.gif yeah, I heard about it too, it's really sad, he's really regret that he's not by his father's side when he's gone. I can truly feel him. I hope he'll be strong, since all of us and many of the hottest are praying for him. Yeah, he's gone and he can't be brought back, and I hope Junsu can move on, and stop blaming himself. Since, no one predicts this to happen so suddenly anyway. Just hope that Junsu really can overcome this. And also, because of there is someone pass away in the family, I guess he can't celebrate this years' Lunar New Year, that's really really sad, cause Lunar New Year's main reason is to gather the whole family who's going away from home to have a reunion dinner. That's really sad. :'(

Haha I will, even though I hate veggies and I don't really drink a lot of water but I'll be as strong as a cow hahahahaha so don't worry about me, I'll be as healthy as ever
Yeah! Long-live our sisterhood~ Yeah! GAMBATE!
It's okay, I don't really mind about it anymore, and since I'm not that kind of student who's so close to the teacher, yknow that kind of anti-social student, wearing specs, hard-working, looks nerdy and all so I'm not that kind of teacher's main concern or favourite student at all. Yeah, you actually can see that from my profile picture hahaha
haha nizeee you've actually shown your teacher's side hahaha my future seonsaengnim, gotta learn more from you.

Yeah, my dad used to comfort me when I first entered junior high when I was still in Indo, he was like it's okay, just go to school and meet the teacher right? why must you cry, don't cry and come out and eat. What's the point of crying when you can't change reality.... and bla bla bla so yeah but my dad became more strict in my studying after I moved to Singapore and it feels like he changed... cause my parents never really care that much, just casual, 'don't you need to study?' and when I said no, my mom just ignore me, and seriously, I don't know, they just suddenly care and all and just keep asking which makes me even more frustrated after knowing that my result isn't that good? and they are the one that actually worried every thing and asked me to study when I don't even know what to study and all I do is nothing all day and watch my drama and kpop stuff during the night. Envy your mother. But no hope for Joonie, cause he looks like the failure kid himself and he couldn't even take care of himself and act like a kid more that a kid hahahahahahhaha my cute big baby.

Yeah, I wanna believe that I can but still hard to believe that I could, but since Lunar New Year start and more relatives came and we went the more of them knows so...... I'll be really embarrassed if I can't get in. I need to die. but still, thank you for praying for me~~~~ cheeseburger.gif I don't know but I really like Architecture more... and guess what's next after college and university, WORK! I wanna grow old soon, and all I have to do is travel around the world with all the money left in my bank a/c with my future husband. YEAH. Goal of my life: enjoy life as much as possible and doing what I love.

YES! GAMBATTE! FIGHTING! WE CAN DO THIS! We've went through 17 and 18 years and we can go through many years more!

MAKE IT TWENTY, GATHER ALL THE FINGERS AND TOES HAHAHAHA Song Joongki for the sweethearts of the loving sisters~! I watched it because my friend introduced it to me and I just immediately fall in love when I saw him!!! haha I kinda like it cause that what makes the show funny cheeseburger.gif hahahaha but you better be prepared as his image is kinda ruin a lil bit because of the missions in Running Man but he's still cute and sweet heartemo.png heartemo.png heartemo.png he might crawl into your heart cause he's so sweet with the noona in Running Man, but well, I wanna wait for you to watch the show, no spoiler. hahahha

HAHAHAHAHA I've been downloading the eng sub videos but i still have 3 parts haven't downloaded yet, blame the slow internet. oops, this might be the sign of the 夫妻象! I don't know how to explain it but it means something like husband and wife are alike. hahahaha congratulations! you've met your future husband hoho
hahahha you're thinking too much! he really is kind to reply to some of the A+ tweets and it's actually benefits us that we're using english as our first language and it seems he only reply to those in english tweets which is more convenient for him. but he only reply for one or two thanking them for making fanpic of Lauren, so better don't expect too much as I guess there's a lot of tweets mentioning Lauren every second wink.gif

Hahaha Seungho sure is popular with the babies~ but actually he was acting like a kid, fighting over a fork with Leo hahahaha but that was cute. "This is mine~" hahahha you've married to him imaginary hahaha
OMG I don't wanna be a spoiler but, if you watched episode 2, ohmygodddd~ hahahaha Joonie was like... oh you've gotta watch it, i've watched the full unsubbed episode, and failed to watch the subbed on youtube, youtube is seriously annoying, having hard times watching, so i gave up, and try and so on hahahhaha I swear I'm feeling so gonna tell you but seriously don't wanna be a spoiler. but yeah, Joonie can be a good father, like my father~ hohohoho
Everybody actually loves Lauren a lot, cause she's too pretty~ even Joonie.... hahahahah

I actually watched every of their shows but didn't stream for a long time, only streamed for a couple of times, cause everyday I'm downloading videos which makes my connection rather slow when I'm browsing other stuff during the downloading, furthermore, I don't have IE and when I wanted to stream I can't.... and I'm lazy to download IE, wasting my space in case I need for my videos hahaha

HAHAHAHA I didn't want to but seriously, Joonie died......! how to not cry.... hahahahha

I was like listening to both of the song on repeat and then deciding which should come first and then I forgot to fill in hahahhaha but it's really hard to decide. Oh~ I love My Dream too! "You're My Dream, You're my soul, You're my reason, saranghae iyu babo neol~" hahahhahaha I love that!!!!!!!!!! Sisters think alike! Loving ballad is one of our similarity too~~~

I'll go and download right now~ thanks for the recommendation! need to update my itunes~~~ kyahahaha
and I actually just downloaded 2pm's heartbeat! and it's nizeeeeeeeee

I actually have so much to tell you but I'll tell you after your reply~ So many things happened these days when I didn't reply, so sorry. I actually wrote this message half way and just manage to finish writing the rest today. I'm really sorry and actually look forward to your reply!

Forever with lots and lots and lots of love~

Re:Sister Dear!!, Feb 3 2012, 12:49 AM
Oh my Dearest Sister Sammie~

I know right!! Joonie's so cool! He's like professional father already hahahah yeah! I agree with you! best hello baby~ they taught the children~ hohoho
ohmy.gif so coool~! if so, I bet that there'll be higher chance that he'll read your tweets and accept your request! hoho you're so lucky~ I think if you send him something he'll retweet you and even reply you~
Yeah! hoping for triple crown next week for mcountdown~ it'll be their first triple crown! and how i wish they can at least win for mubank~~ they wanted to win in mubank~ as what maknae said~
Hahahaha yeah, that's our little secret. ok. shhhh~ hahahha

Today's mcountdown was really nize, joonie's so cute, today's different performance of the shot scene hahahaha love love love~

And I just want to tell you that.... I didn't get into Architecture... :'( so, I'm disappointed and my parents too, sigh, I hope I can do well in Interior Design, sometimes I hate how Singapore's education system works, regret coming here to continue my studies... sigh... but then I've got to blame myself even though I know how it works. Never mind, I'll accept the challenges. Fighting!

Anyway, so expecting tonight's hello baby!!! I can't wait to watch it even though it's raw videos hahahaha and it seems that there's something on between Joonie and Leo, again. And Joonie doesn't look good during dinner~ hmmm, really can't wait to find out what happen to them~ aaah and tomorrow's mubank, ohmy gonna go stream hohoho

oh it's your holiday already? cause if I didn't remember wrongly, you've finished your exams right? so is it holiday now? and since you've reply me so fast, so, happy holidays! cheeseburger.gif enjoy as much as you can~~~

Your Darling sister
with lots and lots of rove~!

Re:Sister Dear!!, Feb 9 2012, 01:35 AM
Darling Sister Sammie~~~

Yeah! I hope for their Triple Crown this week! Finally after struggling with Primadonas as our percentage on the MCD ratings were dropping but at the last minute, finally maintained to 60%!! We're about to secure our 1st place! YEAH!!! they deserve it after so many years! Yeah MBLAQ & A+ as one! I heard that the blaqies cried when their stylist showed them the video of A+ crying because they didn't won! I was so touched~ they actually cried because we cry... feel like singing Don't you cry cry cry~ to them hahaha
I heard that it's hard for them to win because they counts Digital Sales by a lot of percentage so Teen Top company bought their own album so then they can win in these music shows, I even read from the KA+ that most of the other idols didn't congratulate them after the announcement probably they knew their trick already. Don't they feel ashamed receiving the award? I mean they don't deserve it by playing foul. I think that's why if you're gonna stream or vote sometimes it's a bit strict in SK, so then they couldn't play foul by doing that. I'm actually glad that JTC plays fair, if they win, they win, if they lose, they lose, they don't do dirty tricks. YEAH proud to be an A+ forever!!!!

Whaaaaaat... that must be hard on you~ fighting~!
Yeah, I hope he'll not keep thinking about it, since a passed away person can't be brought back, he should move on~ agree~

I actually not that kind of I'm not eating any of the veggies but I eat a few types of veggies hehehe 3 liters?!!! omg that's a lil too much but I do drink water after I bathed in the morning and always drink water before and after meal hahaha so don't worry, I love water more than junk food and soft drinks, I rarely drink soft drink and eating junk food just because sometimes I need to rush hahaha don't worry I'm a healthy cow hahahahhaha

Yeah, I hope so, but I think my parents feel disappointed... which I hate as the reason is me. But it's okay, maybe I'm not fated to be an Architect, and I saw my friend's retweet from a friend that actually wanted to quit architecture, I think it's very hard, which I kinda expecting but not till quitting extend. Yeah, I hope there'll be more jobs for an interior designer, I want to design some art exhibition or anything like that hahahaha cause it's cool tongue.gif Thanks! I feel much better, and it's thanks to you~ cheeseburger.gif

It's not really in the bad way, she just not that kind of mother that force her child to get all As and get into anything she wants. My parents always worry about our studies but they don't understand so they don't ask much and they want us to decide ourselves, since we're the one who's studying not them. They always care, scared that we couldn't cope up with our studies and always offering me to go for a tuition which I always says no hahaha I hate tuition adding more with limited time cause I always wasting time on go school and back home, my house is freaking far away from my school~~ They actually extremely worried over my sister than me, cause my sister always become stress when it comes to studies and I never take it seriously ahhahaha my bad... really ahhaha I can't help it, I just like to do things I like, so when I don't feel like, i just don't study. Lazy is my middle name hahahhaha Yeah my number 1 supporter! probably my only one hahahhaha

Yes!! He literally taught Leo to not randomly hitting others and hugged Dayoung when she cried, because of Mir papa put her aside, asking her to think over why she doesn't want to it, it was really harsh on her as she's just a child and she actually supposed to have a nap before the meal so she refused to eat. Joonie feel sad cause he feels that Dayoung is like him too when he's young, maybe Dayoung is an A type blood daughter hahahahha
Me too! I like how Leo is like a hyperactive kid, moving around and hitting around hahaha Yeah, disappointed in Seungho for playing favoritism towards Lauren, he'll only care anything happens that involves Lauren, when Leo cried, and hitting Joonie, he was just sitting behind, watching! Before watching this I actually expecting Yang-Appa to be the number one appa as how he's really trying hard to find the kids unlike Joonie! But really, most of my friends who ended up watching MBLAQ Hello Baby saying they love MBLAQ HELLO BABY!!! and praising Joonie for being the best appa! Yeah best season ever, however, I want to see Yang-Appa treat all the babies fairly~ hoping for tomorrow~ as I saw Leo's twitter tweeted a pic of Seungho holding Leo's hand opening the door! YAY actually I don't care for english subs anymore, I just watch the raw videos and then watch LQ Subbed video few days after. hohoho

I actually mean that you both have things in common that you've mentioned before! It actually means that a couple who have things in common. yeah hahahha

Yeahyeah~ I deleted my Family Outing videos for Hello Baby hahaha stop saving Joonie's picture from tumblr but liking it, so after I buy a new hard disk, transfer all the videos over and happily download my Joonie's photo~
I like Hands Up too!!!! It's so nizee cooooool~ I'm not confused at all!!! cheeseburger.gif Instead, I hope you won't be confused of what I'm writing.........
So, you know right 7th of February is actually Joonie's birthday? So, after trending #happybirthdayleejoon on twitter and saw MBLAQATTACK and Absolute_MBLAQ retweeted those fanmade videos of collection of Joonie's picture, I actually made one on the day myself hahaha and I posted on youtube! never know that posting video on youtube took at least an hour, actually fall asleep while uploading it hahahah woke up all of a sudden after a dream remembering that I was uploading the video! making the 3 mins video took me like 3 hours?! ahahha so if you have time, mind watch it? yeah? never thought of that I'll ever upload a video with my acc, I use it to like and fav videos & comment. so this is the link I think I'm gonna post it in this forum? hahahha but i want to give you priority hahahah I hope you enjoy it~~

Forever with lots and lots of love heartemo.png

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