Thursday, January 26, 2012

Messages to Hazimah

Re:MBLAQ <3, Nov 27 2011, 04:44 PM
heartemo.png My Very Missed Hazimah~!!! heartemo.png
Many, many congratulations to you!! biggrin.gif Finally you are having a vacation right now! I hope it will be very, very long!! it’s the best biggrin.gif I’m also very happy you have time again to do all that you want to do, most especially doing things MBLAQ-related biggrin.gif
I’m sure you are feeling very light inside your heart now wink.gif I’ve been fine in the past days because of watching “Lie To Me”, but I now feel heartbroken because I can’t believe I’m already finished in watching it! (T_T) I don’t want it to end ~ I am sooo very, very in love with its story that I want it to have a part 2! Have you watched it already? If you can, watch it ~ I hope you’ll like it ^^ The reason why we watched this is because we just want to hear “I Belong To You” to be played but after watching one episode, my sisters & I got addicted to it!! You’ll really appreciate the lyrics of “I Belong To You” after watching this!! (I’m so sorry if I’m telling you to watch it… I’m so demanding)
Pangako Sa’yo was shown there? Wow! It’s actually one of the nicest Filipino dramas produced ^^ I also like it but I can’t remember its story anymore ^^
Oh, so there is no name for the language of Brunei – by the way, still I thank you for answering me ^^ Oh you know, you don’t need to say sorry ~ I understand your situation very well and I am your sister wink.gif
About my night classes, now I feel okay about it ^^ I like it because the wind is cold at night and I see the moon when I go home smile.gif
whaaaaa!!!!!! i think like this sometimes too >_< thinking how they smile only for us kyaaaa!!!!!!! and seungho will be staring at us >_<

Hahaha, it is so good to imagine this indeed!! biggrin.gif Gosh, if Seungho will stare at us, maybe I would suddenly float!!
really???? i dont expect anything in return, you dont have to do that >_<

I’m serious about this ^^ I really, really want to give you a gift!!
i wish much of 2ne1's fan could also like mblaq T-T and become Aplus and blackjack at the same time >_< just imagine, mblaq will have sooo many fans!!!

I hope this comes true!!! Our BLAQies will be very, very happy with this!! If not this year, then next year will still be OK ^^
Aww, the poor Mir can be seen sleeping in G.O.’s tweet yesterday… Who wouldn’t collapse in having a schedule like theirs? (T_T) Btw, my sister read a news yesterday that their comeback will be delayed for a bit because of their full schedule. It’s OK for me… we can wait for their album and a comeback in December is not nice (because of much competition). They can also a good rest at some days.
Yay! Until now, I haven’t thought of a topic for my thesis. I have been out of my mind in the past days because my head is full of “Lie To Me” (“,) I am abandoning my studies most of the time; so bad of me, kkk ^^

kyaaaa seungho's dark cloud so cute! >_<

Sooo true!! : )) Speaking of dark, I asked yuka about his dark circles last week. She said his dark circles are not visible ^^
ive heard it and i keep on listening to it again and again!!!!! same as GO'S believe!!! the song really helped me a lot, it has lyrics about how we shouldnt give up ^^

Kyaaaaa!!!!! All their songs make me fall in love with them more and more!!! heartemo.png It would really be nice if we can make all of them as our husbands!! G.O. is very good in composing; he’s soooo great!! I wonder if it’s really true that one of his composed songs will be their comeback song!
have a very great day, and if you are tired, please do rest heartemo.png

You’re soo sweet!!! Thank you very, very soo much!!

Have a Wonderful vacation and hopping that everyday will bring you much happiness!!!
Sincerely ♥♥♥ Shammie

Re:MBLAQ <3, Nov 30 2011, 06:33 PM
My Very Lovely Sister Hazimah heartemo.png
You’re very most welcome!! biggrin.gif This is one of the best days in your life so enjoy it well ^^ I hope our dearest ones will also have a vacation! I read in the shoutbox yesterday that they are going to come to Japan again?? They just came back from LV but then after a few days of rest, they will go out of Korea again ~ We will pray for their safety, success, happiness & health as always… Their comeback next year reminds me of their comeback for BLAQ Style. I hope TVXQ won’t go along with them!

whaaaa!!! no i havent actually hehe maybe i should? ^^

Just watch the first episode then if it makes you curious of what will happen next, continue watching it ^^ I’ll tell you a tiny summary of the first 2 episodes (forgive me for the grammar mistakes and for some wrong info because I can’t remember much about those. Thank you so much for understanding)…

Eun Hye plays a role of an ordinary lady approaching her thirties yet she never had a boyfriend ever since her close friend married her first love. The leading actor there (Kang Ji Hwan, now my most favorite actor!) is a very rich manager of many businesses who is the same age as Eun Hye. They accidentally meet each other when one time, Ji Hwan brought Eun Hye to a hospital because she suddenly fainted near Ji Hwan after drinking too much… (Many things happen next and I leave it to you to know about this wink.gif ) They further get involved with each other when a rumor that Eun Hye is married to Ji Hwan spreads and makes Ji Hwan’s reputation get in danger (because he is known to be single). That rumor was spread by a friend of Eun Hye. It is widely believed in that Ji Hwan’s friends and employees teased him about his ‘secret marriage’. When Ji Hwan knew that the person who is rumored to be his secret wife is Eun Hye, he then filed a complaint against her (because he thought she was the one who spread the rumor). Eun Hye got scared of that so she talked with Ji Hwan. In their talk, Ji Hwan came up with the idea that Eun Hye must tell in front of his friends that the rumor is not true. Eun Hye agrees to that
However, something happened... In the venue where Eun Hye is supposed to tell the truth, she accidentally sees there her friend who married her first love. That friend also has heard the rumor that Eun Hye is married to Ji Hwan but doesn’t believe it (because she believes that no one will like Eun Hye and she can’t believe a rich man can marry her). They talk for a little while and then that friend walks away. While her friend has not yet gone much far, Ji Hwan then suddenly finds Eun Hye and waves a hand on her. Because that friend made her feel jealous many times before, Eun Hye thought of making a revenge that time only so she waved to Ji Hwan and shouted “Yeobo, I’m here!” Eun Hye’s friend looks at her again and gets shocked because it is Ji Hwan who Eun Hye called “Yeobo”. Ji Hwan was also shocked of what Eun Hye said but luckily, his face cannot be seen by Eun Hye’s friend so her revenge became a success. Eun Hye’s friend then gets stomach cramps because of the shock… Ji Hwan gets angry. Seeing his anger, Eun Hye runs away. Ji Hwan chases her but he was caught by his friends who unfortunately saw what Eun Hye did. So, he fails on catching Eun Hye…

…And that small lie would have its greater effects in the following episodes so just watch if you want to know those ^^ But let me tell you one thing — from a serious man, Ji Hwan will become so hyper because of Eun Hye ^^ There are many funny events in here, too ~

Please do not be discouraged of my boring introduction… Still, it depends on you if you want to watch it or not ^^
Is Flower Boy Ramyun Shop nice? If I can find a fake DVD of that here, I’ll go watch it in my free time!
Hehe, I made an LTM siggie because I will ship the Kang Ji Hwan- Yoon Eun Hye couple eternally! They have the best chemistry ever!! I want them to get married in real life, KYAAA!!
Btw, how many Korean series have you watched in your life? I have watched 6 complete series already and there are about 8 other series which I watched at the start but they didn’t catch my attention so I didn’t finish them. Only 3 caught my heart, mind and soul (in order: Lie To Me, You’re Beautiful, and My Girlfriend is a Gumiho) ^^ How about you?

Yes, I’ll be careful ^^ Thank you very much for the concern!! You’re right, it’s very dangerous here. I don’t have a friend who lives near my house so I go all alone but I’ll try my best to avoid troubles. About my thesis, it has 6 long chapters and in January 12, we are required to submit its first 2 chapters. But those chapters are very difficult to do so I don’t know what will happen to me in the coming days (T_T) The whole thesis will be submitted in October 2012.

i cant believe BEAST won for best dance group awards... i mean MBLAQ's dance are killer T-T I thought BEAST's dance are just normal~

What awards are these for?! (T_T) Let’s just recover — this is what we can do… Same here, I think BEAST’s dances are just normal. As usual, they just won not because of their talent but because of their numerous fans… A very big sadness for me is that I can rarely vote for them now, especially the GDA. I’ll just request my sister to keep voting for them but I’m not sure if she obeys what I tell her.

Of course, our Seungho looks very, very adorable even in photos! The loads of recent pictures take my breath away especially the Season’s Greetings!!! KYAAAA!!! As I’m at home, all pictures don’t load up quickly and I’m so excited to see all those!! The people who got it are very, very, very lucky!!!

Because ‘Even in My Dreams’ was released a short time before Mona Lisa, he wasn’t able to promote it fully so it wasn’t recognized much in Korea. Let’s hope he will get much recognition the next time, and that he will finally have a time to promote his solo album ^^ His songs deserve 1000% attention from non-A+’s, too!!
I think that their next album will be full of their cooperation with their usual composers and producer. KYAAAA!! Talking about this just makes me over-excited to hear them once again ~~

~~ Lots of love ♥♥♥ from Shammie wink.gif

Re:MBLAQ <3, Dec 4 2011, 11:38 AM
heartemo.png heartemo.png My Dearie Hazimah!! biggrin.gif
They are soo cute and handsome in their White Forever photo!! KYAAA!! I am very excited to hear it!! I will have my 2nd set of major exams on December 9 but because of White Forever, I’d feel very happy after those exams!!
About our lovely MBLAQ’s comeback, I prefer that they come back in February. January is still too early for a comeback. They must rest longer. Aside from that, it will be new for us since they came back for BLAQ Style in the month of January so they must come back in another month. It will also be good since we can celebrate it with Joonie’s birthday!!
You’re very, very most welcome!!! KYAAA!! You don’t know how happy I am to read that you are in Episode 3 already ^^ This time, I think you’re in Episode 4 or 5 biggrin.gif
Ji Hwan will start to become hyper in Episode 11 ^^ It’s still another 7 hours before you see him act like crazy! Yeah, he is very soo much in love with Eun Hye, and I hope, even in real life!! My world will really fall apart if they don’t marry each other! Yay, I don’t know Jong Kook but I think he is from Coffee Prince? (Actually, I got bored in watching Coffee Prince). Hehehe, if you’d find LTM funny, then, you’ll already know and understand what things/events make me laugh wink.gif
Haha, Flower Boy Ramyun Shop has maybe made you a bit bored ~ Because of that, I think I won’t watch it ^^ I fall in love with watching a series if its start has already caught my heart!
I will be watching Full House next March!! I’m not sure when the FH 2 will be shown but it’s possibly next year ^^ Hoping that the new leads will play their roles well and the story will be as great as the first Full House! The new lead there will be No Min Woo (Seung Gi’s enemy in MG is a Gumiho), right? I also totally love My Girl but I wasn’t able to finish it because it was shown every 11:00 pm at night and my classes are at 7:00 am sad.gif I just saw it when it was aired in TV here last 2006 (it’s Filipino-subbed). I haven’t yet watched Dream High… I have looked for a DVD of it but I didn’t find one sad.gif I can’t even watch through youtube… sad.gif I’m sorry if I have no news about it ~ but yeah, Jin woon must be there! Believe me or not, I still haven’t known much about Hyorin! When I watch IS2, I only watch G.O. I wasn’t able to watch their duet so still, I haven’t heard her voice yet!
Ahhh~~Shin Min Ah is a goddess of beauty!! I see her as prettier than Kpop girl group members!! I love her, too!! Actually she is my #1 prettiest Korean!!!
Bad news is that my friends can’t help me because they also don’t know about thesis-making (T_T) Gladly, I can ask my unnie about it because she has finished doing a thesis last year. Ah, whatever happens as long as I do all my best, I’ll accept the results. Yeps, this will be a very busy & stressful month. I think I won’t even celebrate Christmas (T_T) Btw, do you celebrate Christmas although you are a Muslim? Many Muslims here celebrate it ^^ I think it is nice if we all celebrate it together biggrin.gif
i feel pity for G.O too, his solo song was soo good!!!! i just hoped that he would release them earlier or something T_T he deserves awards for that since he composed and write the song himself

Agree 1000%!!! I think most of the time that the SKoreans are bad because they don’t recognize his talents. If we can, all international A+’s will go there and show our power to them, hahaha!!! G.O. must not worry for his A+ goddesses are always here to love, defend and support him (as well as our other BLAQies)!!!
You’re right, One Way Chance is their producer ^^ I just know he is a close friend of 2PM Junsu & SJ Donghae but haven’t heard his produced songs yet~ I pray your hopes will come true because I hope the same!! They are all preparing very hard and those works are all surely very great!! People who would not appreciate them just missed meeting the loveliest guys in the whole world~ They’ll regret in not noticing them ~ We hope to gain more international A+’s ^^,
heartemo.png Praying you’ll always be very healthy and happy!! biggrin.gif
~~Lots of G.O.O.D Luv from Shammie wink.gif

Re:MBLAQ <3, Dec 10 2011, 06:08 PM
My Dearie Lovely Hazimah!!
Finally 2 of my 5 exams are finished yesterday. They have been very5x difficult but I forgot about them ^^ Thank you very much for the encouragement!! Actually I haven’t studied because many home works were also given to us until Sunday (T_T) But at least today there’s no class hoo~
White Forever sounds very great!! I love its tune and their voices (as always in all their songs ^^)!! Sadly, there’s no free mp3 download yet, hehe wink.gif They look very sooo cute and handsome in their photos!! ♥♥♥♥ First time to see them all in white biggrin.gif I also love their MV! Even if it is just a mix of behind-the-scene videos, I love that it shows the real MBLAQ without script smile.gif We can see in it that their job is really difficult ~ we should expect they recorded that already at early morning… Our poor MBLAQies sad.gif Myjanggun even tweeted that yesterday, they slept at 5 am. I hope they were able to sleep well…
Oh so you’re also a new A+ like me! I have been an A+ just this May, one month before you ^^ The first birthday we celebrated is Cheondung’s, and then their anniversary and last but not the least, the birthday of our most precious Seungho!! ♥
hehe i just hope they will be happy during their comeback ^^ and blessed with many many luck!!!

Indeed!! Your prayers will surely come true! biggrin.gif
Because I am not expecting too much, I hope they will win #1 even for 2 times. Two #1 trophies are enough to make them very much overjoyed in their next comeback!!
Yeps, I really love their couple. They make me feel like they’re a real couple in real life even if they are not ^^ I searched for Jong Kook and Eun Hye. He seems to be really in love with her because he chose her as his ideal girl ^^ There even was an issue about them before but it wasn’t true. Hehehe, I’m glad they haven’t been a real life couple because if they have been, my JinHye couple would never come true! Oh I think LTM has made you bored ~ What episode are you in now? ^^
oh wow you have korean channel as well there?

We don’t have Korean channel here until now (T_T) The TV channels here just show Korean series dubbed in Filipino, some Kpop MVs and events like MAMA (which I just watched last Sunday). The Hallyu wave is not really famous here. It is like if there are 300 million Filipinos, only 2 million are Hallyu fans so the possibility of a Korean channel is a dream billion miles away. Btw, what is the Korean channel there? SBS? KBS? MBC?
Speaking of MAMA, I’m glad MBLAQ didn’t attend that event. I have been just entertained by 2ne1 there. It’s an unfair awards event. I think the votes counted for the MAMA award winner is taken only from Korean voters. For example, TVXQ is the one which topped the Best Male Dance Perf. but they didn’t win. Instead it’s BEAST that won. The Jewelry Diamond Award is much better ^^
Thank you very much! Ok, I won’t watch Dream High. I also don’t have time for it because in my three day Christmas break, I’ll watch Scent of a Woman! It is tiring to watch 16 episodes of Korean series everyday, hehe! Aside from a great voice, IU is also very pretty. My elder sister is obsessed with her lately and she got many photos of her. She’s also lucky because she’s a friend of Cheondung and starred with Joonie in K. Will’s My Heart is Beating MV…hehe, jealousy ^^
do you have any dimple too? ^^

I don’t have a dimple ^^ When I was small, I also wished to have one but I became hopeless when I realized I can’t have it ~ Don’t worry, you’ll also have Shin Min Ah’s beautiful dimple someday soon, too wink.gif
Ohh, you’re soo good-hearted. Even if I am negative-minded, I will think I can finish it because of your encouragement… huhuhu, even looking for the right thesis topic is too difficult. I read lots of news articles and scientific studies until 3 am since Tuesday (T_T) Oh yes, in Christmas I will not mind about it so that I will feel happiness, too smile.gif
Actually, my family doesn’t celebrate Christmas in a great way unlike other Christians. Since I was young, we never had a Christmas tree and big Christmas dinners. It’s enough for us to pray and thank Jesus for His blessings. That’s what we do in Christmas ^^ So it’s like we don’t celebrate Christmas, too, right? hehehe~ And like you, my sisters and I will just watch something ~ (and you know it is Scent of a Woman ; )
and i hope one day, many will realized that MBLAQ are super talented!!

Although there are many rookie groups that appear and steal the spotlight, we will always hope for this!! Indeed, I join your Fighting!! biggrin.gif
I also think they are more talented than other groups because of our Seungho, right?? Hahaha!
i think that korea should open up more to international A+ in terms of voting and everything, it will make greater difference, coz mblaq got soooo many int fans than in korea

Koreans are aware that Hallyu wave is famous worldwide but until now they don’t accept international votes?!?! It’s very unfair of them… or maybe they are very nationalistic that’s why they don’t like foreigners to be a real part of their music world.
who is more successful, is it secret or MBLAQ? ^^

Of course, our MBLAQ! Secret hasn’t become #1 in European countries’ music charts and since MBLAQ are guys, they attract more fans ~ You know, girls are more active in loving boy groups than girl groups ^^
im glad Rain appa made this group smile.gif or else i couldnt laugh so much and cry too biggrin.gif and i would nt be able to meet you ^^ so im glad...

Same here!! Oh, your words touch me smile.gif Rain appa, just like the real rain, gives countless of blessings ^^ And you’re one of the most treasured blessings I received !! heartemo.png

dont forget to eat for your energy too ^^

Always remember: I will never forget to eat ~ Aside from air, I breathe food ^^
Yups, I must not give up!! Aja!

The air is getting colder now ~ Does it rain everyday there, too? Here it does ^^
Get lots of fresh air and hoping the sun shines everyday but it should not be too warm biggrin.gif
Always thinking and caring for you ~ heartemo.png Shammie

Re:MBLAQ <3, Dec 17 2011, 11:25 AM
♥♥~My Darling Sister Hazimah !!~♥♥

Don’t worry ~ I have been busy reading many articles for my thesis these past days, too ^^
Oh what is your temporary job? How very lucky of you to have that job and for your confidence! I don’t have confidence to look for a job so it will be a big problem for me when I apply for a job someday :S And oh! You work for soo long — 9 am to 10 pm! I understand very well that you have to go straight to bed to sleep. In fact, that’s the right thing to do! I also would be like that if I work that long!

Oh yeah, the forum went down since Tuesday. It’s so nice that it got well yesterday smile.gif
About my exams, I will have my 3rd major exams this coming Wednesday (the exam schedule here is very frightening as you see). And yep, I am still looking for the right topic for my thesis. My teacher said Tuesday will be the last chance for us (T_T) If we can’t present her a right topic, then I will have to take this subject again next semester sad.gif
coz there are sooo many issues but then there might not be much to talk about, while other issues might have a lot to talk about but its hard to understand..

I agree with this. Plus, there are also so many things I have to consider before making a problem as my topic. Thesis is so complicated; I hope soo much that you won’t have it. It is a curse.
Ah really depressing… but as a student, I have no choice but to accept this life~ go, go, go!
I thank you very much always for supporting and for always listening to all I tell you (mostly my problems) (T_T) You’re very, very good to me, I love you! Remember that you also must tell me your problems, okay? Share it to me whatever they are because we are sisters smile.gif I will try to give helpful pieces of advice, too ^^

Indeed! It is very nice to hear our Seungho speak English! I hope he will not just speak it in songs but also in twitter ^,^ They also have finished recording their album, too biggrin.gif They’re soo quick! Despite their busy schedule, they finished it in just about 3 months! Wow!!
Yet it’s still impossible to see them free from work. I was so shocked when I saw their schedules in the ‘Forthcoming Calendar Events’ in the lower part of the forum main page. Soo many! I remember last year’s December was also so busy for all Kpop groups because there are lots of year-end events everywhere sad.gif

they are really strong hearted person.... i want to become just like them... strong, mature and responsible and at the same time so hyper KEKE. i dont know how they could do that.... but im impressed T-T even i cant do that ... they mustve reallly love singing heartemo.png

Me, too — I want to become like them! But it’s impossible for me to love studying like how they love singing (T_T) Yes you’re right, they really love their job and us, A+’s, that’s why they always endure all hard times. And those characteristics have made us love them very, very faithfully much, too!
but somehow it feels like years ago coz i think we know them a lot now >_<

Hehe, thanks for the interviews and shows they had! I really love how numerous their interviews are in their every comeback ^^ Hahaha, actually at their BLAQStyle comeback, I was a supporter of TVXQ and I am still obsessed with SHINee! I didn’t know they were promoting “Cry” together with “Wae”! If only I had known about Cry before, I would have become an A+ last January!
how did you know mblaq first? HEHE biggrin.gif

hehe, I’ll answer a long one ^^
It is through Onew. I read an article back in February about Joon greeting Onew in a show. I was also following a twitter devoted to Onew and there I knew that MBLAQ and SHINee’s dorms are close to each other. Then after, I knew that Sandara’s brother is a member of MBLAQ. As you see, I wasn’t so interested in them at first — I just disregarded them because I was new to SHINee at that time ( I became a SHINee fan on December 30, 2010). I also didn’t read about MBLAQ in Wikipedia after knowing Joon (T_T) I just became curious about them after watching “Cry” MV back in April 29! Then on May 1, I became an A+ ^^

How about you? I want you to give me a detailed answer, too, hehehe ^^

Ahh yes!! We will be able to celebrate all their special events next year!! biggrin.gif Speaking about birthday, look at the ABM projects forum and see JooMi’s Birthday Project… They will not be making a message book (T_T) Instead, they will want us to send birthday cards to them. Can you do that? Me, I cannot obviously. Surely, the money for sending the card will be expensive sad.gif It is a nice idea but expensive (T_T)

Aww, I hope you will be able to continue watching Lie to Me ^^ (I’m so sorry if I am like forcing you sad.gif)

we are the same sad.gif its dubbed with malay language, but it a good thing we can change it to korean again.... the story isnt right without their own korean language... hehe… keke, in our channel there is only KBS... how about yours?

Your situation is better because you have KBS and you can change the language back to Korean again! Hehe, you’re right that the story won’t be right without their Korean language. I prefer to read subtitles than hearing other people’s voices dubbing for each character ^^ The channels where Korean dramas are shown here is just a Philippine channel~ no KBS, SBS and MBC here :’(
I just watch most of the Korean series I see now through fake DVD’s. They are just cheap and many are sold in streets, but the subtitles in some episodes are crazy dry.gif

Possibly, the Diamond award is for their growing popularity in Japan. Although SHINee & TVXQ surpassed them in imusicfes, it is clear that our MBLAQ is more famous because they get more photoshoots and interviews for famous Japanese magazines! MBLAQ is also the best in Japanese among all Kpop groups ^^

I think Cheondung got close to IU because they almost have the same personalities. They’re quiet, innocent and nice as you said ^^ If they will become a couple someday, I would be happy hehe! But it’s a bit impossible because Cheondung doesn’t know how to court girls ^^

Sadly, I will have no proper rest in my 2-week school break but I will have longer time for sleeping (about 8 hours everyday) and that s enough to make me happy~ You really understand my point — yes, having my family (including you) with me in Christmas is enough to make me very, very soo happy biggrin.gif

hahahha totally right!!! our seungho is the best dancer among the member, can play piano and composed his own melody ^^ can beatboxing lol sooo cute! and he takes acting as his major, but i havent seen him act yet T-T i want it sooo bad, it will be so cool!!!! and i could see him more!!!!!

Have you read their latest Hallyu Pia interview? Seungho wants to learn to play flute next year! Another thing to add on his hundreds of talents! He has acted in a mini-series! I can’t remember correctly what its title is but it has “Moonlight” in it. That series he filmed with Cheondung~ It’s better to ask in the shoutbox or JediJaina because a scene from there is her current avatar and siggie.

i guess they dont want to be too open to foreigners or else they will have to put as much english language as possible in their songs which is unfair for the koreans and i guess they don’t want to feel that their culture is interrupted, coz they are strict esp in terms of manner right?

Very good points! Definitely, they are strict in manners. They are very different from Filipinos because we let the Americans influence our culture easily. And also because of that attitude, they are progressive!

In kpop news sites, too, I don’t see many headlines about Secret except for their comebacks so MBLAQ is more famous ^^
All the beautiful things you said about A+ family are very true!! This is why even if we are smaller than other fandoms, we are the best!! biggrin.gif

yeah its raining heavily here too, esp at night... it gets colder here... you too if you went back home at night dont forget to bring an umbrella before going to study and keep warm yeah? ^^

Oh I love the coldness here because it is just 23°C ^^ But I feel soooo heartbroken today. I lost my umbrella last Thursday (T_T) because of my stupidity and forgetfulness (T_T). That umbrella even has my name on it but no one returned it to me (T_T) I really hate how dishonest people are these times…people get worse, also my forgetfulness—

I’m sorry I can’t promise to sleep early but I will get enough sleep ^^
Thank you very much 1000 billion times again for the concern!!
I hope you don’t get soo tired in working, too! I always pray you will always have very nice sleeps and dreams anytime you sleep~!!

Always your devoted and loving sister ♥♥♥ Shammie

Re:MBLAQ <3, Dec 19 2011, 11:45 PM
My Dearest Sister Hazimah!!

I will send you a full reply maybe tomorrow night or this Wednesday night. It is because I am preparing for the thesis topic defense and studying for exams tomorrow :S Soooo frightening but I will try to survive this! Fighting!!
I just replied to tell you that you have nothing to worry about. I am very fine here ^^ The place I live in rarely suffers typhoons. We only had quick heavy rains last week which didn’t cause flooding at all ~ In fact, it is very warm here!!
Thank you very much for your concern!! heartemo.png I hope the weather there is also very friendly—just the right warmth smile.gif

Have a very good sleep!! Good night & very sweet dreams!!
With Lots of Luv ~~ Shammie

Re:MBLAQ <3, Dec 22 2011, 02:39 AM
heartemo.png My Very Caring Sister Hazimah!! heartemo.png

Very many Thank you’s to you!! Yes I will always make sure that I will stay safe ^^ Thank you very much for the concern smile.gif
I didn’t do well on the exams because the things I studied didn’t appear and the essays are difficult to do. But I accept my mistakes ^^ At least, they are over : )) The thesis is my biggest problem now (T_T) It’s especially hard because my eyes don’t like to cry even though I like to cry (T_T)

You know when you said your job was selling mobiles, I imagined Seungho walking to you and asking you to assist him on what to buy ~ then he will be asking you many questions — soooo many because he fell in love with you! Hahahaha, I have a very good imagination right? wink.gif I hope it comes true!! KYAAAA!! biggrin.gif
Oh, you are not given chairs to sit on while selling those? sad.gif I’m very glad it’s over now so that you won’t have to suffer that again! Your friend is indeed very kind! I’m sure that although you got very tired working, you are always happy because both of you are together ^^ I also hope your salary is already enough to buy their comeback CD!! It will be so nice because you will really help increase our precious men’s album sales!

Btw, I’m very sorry if I don’t call you unnie. It’s because I think we belong to the same age ^^ I also don’t like to call other friend A+’s 20-above ‘unnie’ when I talk to them in the shoutbox ^^

im so happy they have finished recording!!! but what does recording means? is it recording their songs or mv? keke im not sure, sorry if its a silly question >_<

This is not a silly question ^^ Whatever we ask each other are never silly because we are people full of wisdom (“,) For this recording, they meant their songs ^^ I think they are already planning for the MV right now but haven’t filmed it yet ~
They again just come back from Japan. I guess they see the airplane now only as a bus or van because they always ride it.
they must be working so hard wherever they are are or when there is time right? T_T i really salute them for that

Same here! If I remember correctly in an interview, Seungho said that when they are given rest days, they feel like they are wasting their time if they are not given something to do, so they end up working even on such days. If I were one of them, I would surely just go to sleep all day long! I feel jealous of people who have that way of thinking ~

nowadays even degrees wouldnt guarantee us with stable jobs T_T so scary the world is nowadays :/

Very true~ That’s why when I’ll graduate, I won’t expect I will easily find a permanent job. We can only pray for our future and just do our best this time. If we work hard today, we will be in the right way someday ^^ Our prayers will be granted, we must not lose hope ^^

Woww!! Thank you very much for your account on meeting MBLAQ for the first time! So your big sis also listened to their Just BLAQ album biggrin.gif You’re really meant to become an A+ !! We have a very wonderful destiny heartemo.png Yep!! I agree that My Dream is a very, very beautiful song!! All their voices are very calming to the heart! I want them to sing that for us again, kyaaa!! I hope you met that friend of your big sis! I wonder if she’s still an A+ until now. It’s possible that she might be a member here!!
I really love your comment “i thought mblaq's songs were more good than BEAST keke” wink.gif I completely agree with you! I also listened to BEAST’s albums and some songs are nice. However, they are not successful in catching my heart ^^

after then i realized this whole time, ive been listening to mblaq's debut song all along and i didnt know, how stupid was that T-T ...

Hehehe, expect the unexpected! And that’s not stupid IMO~ it’s surprising! When did your big sis give you the songs? Early or late 2010? Don’t regret at all if you haven’t researched for them earlier ^^ It’s part of your destiny to meet BEAST before meeting MBLAQ. In life, we have to meet not-so-good people first so that we will appreciate very much the good ones given to us (I hope you understand what I english is confusing~)

AJA!! Just don’t overtire yourself when you work, okay? I hope many will buy the mobiles you and your friend sell !! (T_T) JTune must be considerate to us. They must not make the MIM dvd too expensive like the Mona Lisa Style. Me, I can only dream that I have all their albums and other merchandises ~

i really enjoy watching korean dramas and movies >_< till i dint realize its already really late lol ^^

Hahahaha!! Yeah, that really happens when we watch this shows,,, It’s just that we can’t handle our excitement from watching the next episode especially if the end of the finished episode is so exciting!! I don’t know if you will also feel that if you’d watch LTM ^^ Thank you very much!! biggrin.gif
So lucky of you because when MBLAQ has performances in KBS, you are able to watch them live!! Wow!!
imagine seungho's voice become someone else's NOOOOOO!!!!

I don’t like to imagine that~ If Seungho will be able to watch that show where his voice was changed, he would really turn the TV off!

So where do you watch the Korean dramas you are watching now? In youtube? I think your internet is very fast so that may be possible ~
Actually, I just based their popularity from the award they received, and from the number of photoshoots and interviews they receive in every comeback. So, what I’m saying is not true because it’s just an opinion :S I’m very sorry…
IU is too young for WGM…maybe when she reaches 21, she can be in it with Cheondung! Hahaha, Cheondung is like me, no relationship since birth. However, it’s good that he is pure until now~ He can learn from others’ experiences ^^ I hope he gets more active in Twitter and he will read his @mentions. We will give lots of advice about treating a girl nicely!! He must listen to us!
but if you feel tired just think of mblaq who only sleeps for 2 hours per day ^^ thats what i do when i feel tired and feels like want to give up keke, i hope it will inspire you as well ^^

Thank you very much for this advice! This will help me a lot! I never thought they only have 2 hours of sleep. My heart breaks now… How can they survive their lives?? (T_T)
They are just soo admirable!

is someone he likes like flute? O_o

I hope that he is not going to learn it because of someone! I feel jealous sad.gif
About the show where Seungho is acting, I don’t know news about subbed videos of that. I rarely look at the videos section :S I’d also just watch it when I have time next year~
American culture also deeply affects your culture? It’s very saddening ~ Thankfully we have the same opinion: that culture is such a bad influence. People in our generation treat bad words as normal in everyday language (T_T) And that is very common here in Philippines! Almost all young ones and teenagers here are awful ~ (I can say more awful than me) Honestly, the only bad word I can speak is ‘fool’. I deeply hate the others. When I hear others speak bad language, my blood boils ~ But sadly, I belong to the children who shout back at their parents when they give advice. I do it sometimes, though, especially when they force me to do something I don’t like (example, wear tight clothes which I hate).

Talking about Secret, there is something I am very worried about and this breaks my heart— I think Seungho likes Sun Hwa. I think she is the girl who Seungho said he likes in the Sesame Player interview. Sun Hwa has a frank personality, and that’s what Seungho likes. She also is very pretty and lovable (according to her fans: I haven’t read much about her)… They also became couple twice, in Idol Army and Invincible Youth. Seungho chose her to be his couple in both shows (T_T) What do you think about this? (T_T) I feel very, very jealous…

About my lost umbrella, it’s not my most favorite but I love it very much because it’s my protector in all kinds of weather. I also bought it with my savings. As you also see, I am a very emotional person that’s why I give importance in everything I own~ But good that my dearie sweet mama bought me a new umbrella last Saturday. My heart has calmed down a bit ~ Definitely, the person who found it doesn’t feel guilty at all because he/she got it at the right time…in this month of unexpected heavy rains and very hot mornings & afternoons. If I’ll see that person carrying my umbrella, I will tell him/her to give that back to me.

Always be cheerful and have very G.O.O.D. days!! Allah blesses you always!!
Ever yours sincerely,
~~♥ Shammie

Re:MBLAQ <3, Dec 22 2011, 03:30 AM

I hope many will buy the mobiles you and your friend sell !! (T_T) JTune must be considerate to us.

I think the (T_T) in the middle might cause a misunderstanding when I read my reply to you after sending it ~
It is meant for the sentence “JTune must be considerate with us”. When I was making my reply, I put that emoticon in that part because JTune made me cry ~
I’m sorry for this mistake…

Re:MBLAQ <3, Dec 25 2011, 02:56 AM
hehehe,,, i was able to watch GO singing for immortal song 2... its so cool HEHEHE but i stopped watching immortal song 2 now when GO stop appearing keke...

You will watch IS2 next year again ^^ Because G.O. will be back!! Does your family watch with you when you watch it? ^^
Oh lucky you again! I wish my internet connection is as fast as yours! At least even if buffers a lot, you could still load videos! Here it will really take many hours to load even a 10-minute long video x_x Also, you’re lucky because your mama likes Korean dramas. My mama likes to watch them only sometimes.

its sad nowadays, more and more people a comfortable saying those bad words, making it hard for us to find a good husband-to-be...

Indeed ~ So one time, I got very sad when I looked up into the lyrics of one of Seungho’s favorite songs (by Eminem) and it has many bad words in the lyrics, including that ‘f’ word (T_T) I thought how could he think that song is nice? That isn’t a song at all. I hope he doesn’t understand the lyrics or he doesn’t sing that...
I am never a fan of modern American songs…those songs are just for parties and almost all can be considered meaningless <_<
me too i often get angry if someone use the word "F" aigooo...

There are some people here in ABM (mostly from the west) who use that word in their posts. Even if they don’t spell if fully or spell it in another way, it’s still obviously that hateful word! Many times I wanted to send them messages of warning but I just stop myself to avoid argument… I just try to understand them <_<
“baka” here means cow! It’s interesting you also have that word there though in a different meaning ^^ So baka there means a fool? Oh yeah ~ stupid in our language is considered a mild offensive word, and I say it often, especially to myself! Hahaha!
im glad i found a nice person like you!!!!!

Ohhh, thank you very, very much!! You know I’m also extremely lucky in meeting you!! biggrin.gif I told you this before but I say it again — when I talked to you, I already felt you’re someone I could really trust and be close to!! I felt very happy when my guess was really true!! biggrin.gif
my heart burns when i read this, seungho likes her?? ahndwae!!!! huhu so scared if this is true T-T

Huhuhuhu….I’m very happy that you have the same opinion as me. I thought you like them (because some of his fans like them together).
When my sisters watch MVs of Secret, they tell me that Seungho looks very good together with Sunhwa (because she’s soo pretty, and I agree with it)!! I just feel expressionless outside but inside, I feel very deeply hurt!
I also agree with you. Although my world has broken apart, I would accept their relationship (or whoever Seungho’s girlfriend will be someday). I already accepted my fate that Seungho won’t be mine (T_T)
I think if Seungho will have a girlfriend, he will carefully hide her. He hates to make his relationship public. He will protect his girl’s privacy, as well as their privacy. But if the girl is very excited to let others know she is Seungho’s girl, then, all A+’s will find out , and everything will be disastrous ~ I won’t be that kind of A+ who will insult that girl. I will just get soo jealous of her (T_T)
but i hope he will marry someone normal and not a celebrity, that way, he could atleast taste how to live normal.

I also like this to come true for him. It would be pitiful if both of them are very busy and they won’t find time for each other, right? And when they go out, many stalkers would follow them, tsk, tsk, tsk… I also hope he will marry a girl who loves him sincerely as he is…not because he is rich, famous, or because of his physical looks.

By the way last night, my sisters and I watched Maknae Rebellion’s 1st episode. They then said Seungho is the most handsome in MBLAQ! Wahhh! I got shocked when I heard it because they are Joonie’s very devoted fans ~ I asked them why and they said it’s because in their pre-debut, he looks the best among all of them. Hahahaha, I’m sure if Seungho hears them, he will feel like he’s flying!
hehe just look at others' umbrella whenever you see people holding umbrellas so you will be able to find the person who took your umbrella

You read my mind — that’s what I’ve been planning to do!! Kekekeke!! Yep, I love my new umbrella very much, especially because it’s color red ^^

With all love and wishing all your wishes and prayers will come true!! heartemo.png<3<3
A Great Season’s Greetings!!
Always your sister, ♪Shammie ♪

Re:MBLAQ <3, Dec 25 2011, 02:58 AM
♫♫ ~ My Dearie Hazimah !! ~♫♫

Happy 801st day to our precious beloved MBLAQ!! I hope we can send them letters of congratulations!! heartemo.png
And I love, love the new layout! I didn’t expect the Terminators and Graffiti Squad will surprise us yesterday!! It also loads faster than the previous layout ^^

Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, Peaceful & Merry Christmas to you smile.gif !! Correct me if I’m wrong but today you are also celebrating Hariraya Puasa, right? So I’m wishing you have a Very Happy and Peaceful Hariraya Puasa smile.gif !!

KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA you made me giggled so much that my mom thought i was weird HAHA >_< if this happens kyahhhh!!!!! im speechless now haha >_<

Wahahahaha!!! :lol: I didn’t expect you would giggle over that thought as much as it has made me giggle while imagining it!! biggrin.gif Hahahaha!!
I really wish that happens in real !! I agree with you, if that happens to me, I’d also be speechless! But please, answer him if he asks you!! It’s the start of forever ~!!! KYAAAA!!!! :lol:

KYAAAA im happy!! my salary really is enough now to buy mblaq's comeback >_< so happy to help mblaq >_<

Woaaahhhh!! biggrin.gif (jumps for joy I’m soooo happy for you!! I know you’ll find a new temporary job which will give you a salary to buy the MIM DVD!! ^^ Don’t lose hope, it will just come to you wink.gif
people who doesnt work will find it hard to collect money T-T... its a good thing that mblaq also have many older A+ i hope they will be able to attract many older A+ >_<
…and lucky older A+, they have jobs already :') which is a good thing for our MBLAQ

I agree with you!! Of course, money doesn’t fall from the sky or it cannot be found anywhere ^^ Unless if our parents own all the banks around the world, hehehe!
They are attracting a lot of older A+’s as we can see wink.gif Most investors here are 25 above wink.gif They are also so lucky because they could get anything MBLAQ they want wherever in the world they are! However, I’m more jealous of those A+’s who are the same age as us and don’t work but can buy all MBLAQ things ~ sad.gif
but im scared if people care about their age difference :/

So you would be scared of our darling Seungho ^^ Kekeke, I read in an interview before that he doesn’t like 2PM Junsu’s habit of not calling him hyung!
Actually, I am a bit afraid of him ~ I don’t like to call him oppa. I just think I look older than him ^^ How about you? Do you like calling him oppa?

About their comeback, kyaaa!! They already did the album jacket photoshoot last Thursday!! I’m soo excited to see what they look like ~ I hope J.Tune will release photos in absolute quality just like the Mona Lisa photos!! I also hope the photo concept is better than Mona Lisa ~ I didn’t like how Cheodung and G.O. looked there!
Please put all their latest songs into your sister’s mobile!! Hahaha!! I think you could look up in the A+ Café and Lounge for a topic Brunei A+’s ^^ I think there is!

Malaysian A+’s are quite unfortunate because MBLAQ only visits Singapore! Malaysia is just a few minutes away!! I join you in praying that they will come to Malaysia and convert all B2Ties into A+’s !! It would be a terrible news for BEAST if they know about that, hahaha!! … and when they come, please go!!! biggrin.gif
Btw, I’m curious of who was your favorite BEAST member before ^^

same goes to mblaq, mblaq is the right group for me and for us, and i will never change it again!!!!

CORRECT!! 1000% AGREE!! This time, I also listen to many other boy groups aside from MBLAQ (including my favorite groups before) but I am not charmed by them ~ MBLAQ owns my heart!! MBLAQ owns our hearts!!

Re:MBLAQ <3, Dec 29 2011, 03:40 PM
Haha, you are Yang-biased (Yang Seungho and Yang Yoseob 100 years ago)! Yoseob is a very good singer and he doesn’t get out of tune but yes, G.O. is a lot better than him!! Indeed!! G.O.’s voice is very calming to the heart ~ that’s the reason why I love listening to his voice in most of their songs and his solo songs!!
About his comeback in IS2 next year, he tweeted about it a month ago… Although it isn’t yet confirmed by IS2 staff, I think he will do that!! biggrin.gif Hahaha! It’s really good that you can watch it by yourself because you can freely giggle whenever you want ^^,
so im glad MBLAQ is there for me to fill in my days

Hehehe, seeing MBLAQ alone is very amusing!! Oh btw, I feel happy that they got replaced by Infinite in the pet-caring show with A-Pink. I prefer them to do Hello baby next year after their comeBLAQ promotions!

and hoping he likes them coz of something else maybe the music is addictive or something hehe...

That’s a possible reason!! Now I feel calmed, thank you ^^
From the present American/western singers or songs, I really have none~ But from 70’s to 90’s, I have a lot. Hehe, this is how weird I am… I wonder if you know about Michael Learns to Rock? They sang my most favorite song for already 13 years “Out of the Blue”. So my music player isn’t purely MBLAQ…it has more songs from those times ^^
Hehehe, the westerners are just more powerful than Asians in arguing but if they have a physical fight with us, we can easily defeat them ^^ They don’t know how much stronger we are wink.gif
No need to be sorry because I just assumed something without thinking many times ^^ So baka is a Japanese word!! Thank you!! I must avoid saying that word if I go to Japan! Aww, IU shall not say that to herself — she won’t ever be a pabo/babo!
im scared for seungho that if they are really together, she will change feelings quickly....

Their “couple” supporters said Idol Army was just scripted so it wasn’t Sunhwa’s fault. I don’t believe it. I think that Sunhwa just told what her real opinions were. As we can see there, G.O. was very talkative and Seungho didn’t talk to her, so she felt she did a mistake on choosing him. Even from the beginning, she also expressed that she liked G.O., right?
I think she doesn’t like Seungho’s personality. Although I don’t know who her ideal types are, I think her ideal type is someone like G.O. But there’s a big possibility she will like Seungho, too ~ and she would change that wrong attitude of her…
I sooo much agree with you — Seungho deserves someone better than Sunhwa!!
Hahaha, I also got attracted to him in Idol Army! Many youtube comments said that show will make A+’s fall in love with him, and it’s true!!! But I hated to see him with girls there (T_T)
I agree with you that Seungho is very unique… since he’s like that, I believe there’s no one like him (T_T) Also he is like us, someone who tells more about his personal life to ones he is close with that’s why he doesn’t reveal secrets so easily... It’s obvious the other 4 know who is that girl Seungho likes but they just keep it secret for they know it’s a thing only between all of them. As we can see, the trust in MBLAQ is as strong as the trust we have for each of us here in A+ family ^^
, i just want to protect him from girls whow will do evil to him >_<

Ah! I know what your new job will be — Seungho’s bodyguard!!! I like to join you!! Kyaaaa!!!

i remember he fix up a computer and puts letter in that computer for the girl he used to date T-T kyaaaa so jealous, i wish i was that girl at least he used to like her lol.... he is sooo romantic!! kyah!

I wonder who that girl is ~ I feel soo jealous of her, too!! But it’s good she rejected him because we won’t have any chance on Seungho anymore if she told him ‘yes’ ^^
I think she already opened the computer but she didn’t like him that time ~ She maybe has regretted now!
Btw, I have 2 sisters, one elder and one younger ^^ My elder sister says she loves all MBLAQ but she’s more Joon-biased while my younger sister is just Joon-biased ^^ They always insult Seungho’s lips, hahaha!!
Yeps!! Seungho really looks soo much more handsome without makeup — I prefer him without makeup actually wink.gif And he is a guy who looks handsome whether he is thin or fat heartemo.png He is someone who is truly handsome!!
I’m very, very, very sorry for this late reply and if I make this message so long… I still have somethingto tell you…
On the days I disappeared, I’ve almost gone crazy because I haven’t done all my schoolworks since December 22 (most are thesis-related). I’m sooo lazy (T_T) I’m tired of reading very long articles which are not interesting that’s why I can’t touch those works. However, my good elder sister saved my brain because she bought a Full House DVD!! So we watched it from 12 noon of December 28 to 1 am (December 29). I felt very, very in-love with it!! It now belongs to my number 1 most favorite Korean series!! Oh~~ it’s really a big DAEBAK!! I love Rain from now one!! While watching it, I kept missing MBLAQ, huhuhu, but the entire story is just soo great and lovely!! I got very heartbroken because the last 2 episodes has no subs!! But the ending is obviously very good although I can’t understand them biggrin.gif I love, love, love it!!!! KYAAAAA!!!

Always stay cheerful & healthy ^♥^
~ ♥♥ Always your sister, Shammie

Re:MBLAQ <3, Dec 29 2011, 03:41 PM
☼☼ My Dearie Sister Hazimah!! ☼☼

Thank you very much for the greetings!! I had a good Christmas because I spent it sleeping most of the day ~~ and It’s Raining here since morning of December 25. Too bad that late at night on that day when I’m about to send this, the internet connection disappeared (T_T)
Oh! I’m very sorry for the mistake and thank you for correcting me ^^ You’re very welcome!! I will remember that day and greet you next year wink.gif
whaaaaaaa!!!!! ottokkee hhehehhe i might smile non-stop and he will think im crazy for that hahhhha! what will you do? hehe

He will smile non-stop along with you biggrin.gif Then I’m sure you will tell him that you’re a very devoted A+ and that he is your bias so he will be much happier, hahahaha!! biggrin.gif
Kyaaa!! If that happens to me, I would look straight into his eyes all the time! I won’t blink them even for a second! I would also give him a ballpen and paper for autograph!!

Hehehe, the window and their framed photo on it are really so nice because it gives us the feeling that ABM is our home and we’re waiting for our MBLAQ to join us here, or as what many said, we are waiting for their ComeBLAQ!!

Oh yeah you’re right you have more time to look for a job!! biggrin.gif I hope there will be lots of available jobs this January ^^ You’re very welcome, too!! wink.gif This is how I am to ones I care for very much ^^
MBLAQ will love and appreciates us for working hard in voting them day and night, and for many other things we do besides buying their cds and dvds keke.

Indeed! Even in our little ways, they will still love & appreciate us ^^ Our MBLAQ is so kind!! :’) Hahaha, yep, we will be older A+’s a few years later, too, and kyaaa!!! I’m excited for both of us to follow them everywhere they go!! biggrin.gif

I don’t believe you look older than me! Noo, you’re not and never say that again! Or to be fair, let’s say we both look old ^^ But… I really look older. My mama and sisters tell me I look like a mother x_x That time Seungho told Mir he will teach Hajin to be polite, I laughed a bit and thought that it’s good of him to give importance to good manners ^^ That’s one of the reasons why we love him ^♥^
I’m also not used to their Korean age. A child to be considered one year old after being born is not right. A year is 12 months, and mothers bear their child for only 9 months —
hehe i call all of them oppa, coz in korea oppa can mean someone you admire and close with right? kekekekkeke..

I call G.O., Joon, Cheondung & Mir ‘oppa’ but I feel uncomfortable to call Seungho ‘oppa’ :S I like to call him just Seungho, Seungho-ya or Seungho-ssi, kekeke ^^ It’s because he has a strong personality so he deserves to be called as if we are just the same age ^^
Yep, yep, yep me, too, I like older men, 3-6 years older than me~ Although there are still lots of immature men older than us, I think that if we like a guy the same age or younger, I feel they are more immature and in my part, I would find it soo hard to adjust with them ~ I also don’t like that noona-dongsaeng marriage….sooo disgusting!!
When you asked “What kind of man do you like?”, do you mean what is my ideal type?

I feel free saying this to you because you have the same opinion as me ^^ If I haven’t stopped myself, I would have commented in all threads with their Mona Lisa album photos that Cheondung looks like a gay… his fans would maybe fight with me or they would insult Seungho :S So better to be silent than say anything.
Frankly too, I didn’t like how Seungho looked in the MV and album jacket (but I prefer his looks in the jacket than Cheondung and G.O.) His hair looks so dirty and oily so it doesn’t suit his face dry.gif I would only hope his face can be clearly seen on their comeBLAQ album jacket photos!! Their BLAQStyle and Mona Lisa didn’t allow us to see his face clearly sad.gif

----2011 ends----
----2012 begins-----

Re:MBLAQ <3, Jan 1 2012, 02:24 AM
heartemo.png My Dearest Beloved Precious Sister!! heartemo.png

nod.gif Have a Blessed Happy New Year!! nod.gif

Hoping that you celebrate today very happily with your family and everyone you are with!!

I will not tell you my many, many wishes for you but expect they are all good!! Honestly, what I wish for you, my whole family, MBLAQ, and myself are the same nod.gif
Thank you very much for being a part of my life last 2011 !! I’m soo very happy to meet you!! I will forever cherish that day we met each other!!
I assure you that you will always be a part of me in the coming years biggrin.gif
I love you very much!!

Devotedly your A+ sister,
heartemo.png Shammie biggrin.gif

Re:MBLAQ <3, Jan 1 2012, 09:55 PM
My Beloved Sister Hazimah!!

Happy New Year again!
I’m going to give you my real reply maybe on Friday night or Saturday. You’re right: I will be busier this year. Today, I am doing the Chapter 1 of my thesis (T_T) Soo tiring. I’m feeling what Seungho has tweeted today.

Have great days always and wishing you a happier New Year!!

I’m soo excited to discuss with you the nice and disappointing happenings in the Gayo Daejeon events. I have read your and other A+’s shoutbox comments last night. The things were so disappointing. I haven’t watched the 3 events, though, I just relied on what I’ve read in the shoutbox ^^
I have a bad news to tell you which I read today: SHINee’s comeback will be in early 2012 so it may mean they are going to come back together with our MBLAQ!! (T_T) I got it from twitter. Oh my, I had a very bad feeling since the time our dearies announced they are going to come back this January.
Let’s pray very well !! Aja, Aja, Fighting!!

heartemo.png About Seungho’s hair!!! KYAAAAAA!!! I love it very much!! I am shocked for only a few seconds when I saw his new hairstyle because I didn’t expect he will really cut his hair that short! I already imagined him having that hairstyle long ago, way back in August!! Wahh!! So when I saw him have that hairstyle last December 29, my eyes can’t believe it!! He looks very handsome to me, oh my, my heart!! heartemo.png We have fallen more for him!!!

I’m very sorry you have to wait for so long rain.gif (T_T)

Always your faithful sister who is making a Graffiti,

Re:MBLAQ <3, Jan 7 2012, 06:29 PM
My Dearie Sister Hazimah!!

I missed you sooo much!!! I’m very sorry for not being able to talk with you when we’re online at the same time ~ I can’t because I’m researching :’( Thank you very much for waiting ~ There are so many things to talk about, haha!
It’s very nice you had a wonderful New Year’s day with your family smile.gif I hope you bought a lot of things! Many, many thanks for their MBC Mona Lisa performance! I don’t know when I can download it but I know that event was really saddening~ I felt very heartbroken when I read about what happened in there at the shoutbox ~ My sisters also told me it’s only our BLAQies and U-Kiss who were treated unfairly by MBC (T_T) Well, they are real professionals and that day was over! It’s not their fault at all and despite of having problems, they did a breath-taking performance perfectly!
Oohh, I LOVE their New Year hug! It’s only them who did that !! Our lovies ~ It almost made me cry~ They’re very sweet!!
So far, soo good about 100% Ver! You know I was able to watch their teasers at the times they were released~ I can’t help being tempted to watch, kekeke! I love their “It’s War” teaser best! It’s the greatest teaser I’ve ever seen in Kpop! Sooo DAEBAK! I’m soo excited for January 10!! I love Nakseo but I got irritated of the ‘jarsu isseulka’ (?) repeated 6 times before the second stanza, hehe! Sorry MBLAQ.
I wonder why Lovey Dovey goes well in charts : / Let’s see this coming week!! I hope this is really going to be MBLAQ’s year or else, we will declare war!!
From now on, It’s War!!!
About their concept, the only hairstyle I truly don’t like is Mir’s but he still looks handsome ^^ Cheondung’s hair is just not good at the album jacket ~ Their clothes are shocking but as always, they still look handsome. It’s ok, kekeke. Lastly, in their teaser, they all look amazing!! Very, very cool!! Kyaaaaaaa!!! How about you? Do you like everything about their concept?
i hope they will still be together as MBLAQ by the time we get enough money to go T-T coz im scared... have you ever thought that they might separate?

I never thought about that ~ Although that is possible, I think they will stay together forever! Their bond goes stronger as days go by ^^ Hmm, if they separate, they will always be best friends and brothers so there’s nothing to worry about smile.gif
lol we are the same shammie but i think Philippines all have handsome and beautiful people because whenever i see philippines here in brunei, they are all so handsome and beautiful ^^ hehehhe now i feel scared meeting seungho face-to-face lol.

Ay, you’re so stubborn ~ I told you not to say that thing again. You have nothing to be afraid of when you meet Seungho in person! smile.gif
Ohh, don’t generalize! I look very ordinary. I always think if ever I would ask Seungho for an autograph someday, he would just sign the paper and not look at me, kekeke! That’s the truth!
Hahaha, I think Doojoon and Seungho must exchange their year of birth! Seungho has very lucky genes. When I saw his brother, I couldn’t believe Seungho is the eldest!
BEAST and our BLAQies shared the same waiting room in the MBC Gayo Daejun ~ Have you read Guseulyi’s tweet that their waiting room was soo noisy, and that Seungho & Doojoon were screaming while playing Winning Eleven? Hahahaha!! I wanted to be there that time!
what type of man do you like? hehe lol as for me i really like to date man who im comfortable with, no need to pretend in front of each other no need to wear makeups, just being the usual me, and he still likes me ^^ and of course he must be okay looking lol. and definitely someone like seungho ^^ (which is impossible T____________T)

Nothing’s impossible! I believe you will marry your ideal man or (this is better) Seungho! laugh.gif Gosh!! I have a lot of qualifications for my ideal man ~
I hope for someone who has a bearable personality — a balance of goodness and badness — and someone who can bear my personality. He accepts and loves me sincerely for who and what I am, inside and out. If possible, he must be loving, loyal, supportive, understanding, caring, protective (especially if his family doesn’t like me; that situation is soo scary), responsible, fair in everything, honest, hard-working, helpful, kind-hearted, a deep thinker (with common sense), serious (at times it is needed), simple, modest, polite, & must be very proud & appreciative of things/efforts I do. Like you, I hope for someone who will say I’m the prettiest of all women in the world although he knows many, many girls are prettier than me. About his looks, I love a decent-looking man!
Oh yeah you’re right, I heard G.O. sing an Alicia Keys’ song in their Tykeys’ times. His pronunciation is perfect and he hit the high tunes perfectly! Wooaaah! Yoseob can’t sing that!
Oh my!!! You’re not only going to watch IS2— you will also watch HELLO BABY!!!! KYAAAAAA!!!! You’re very, very lucky!!! You’re going to see their faces in absolute quality!! When I read the news J.Tune confirmed them to be in it, my stress that day quickly disappeared! January 5, one of the most memorable days in A+ world!! MY GOSH!!!! MBLAQ’s HELLO BABY is going to be REAL!!! I also realized just today that we talked about MBLAQ being in Hello Baby in our latest conversation last 2011~ And now, we are talking about that they are going to do it!!! laugh.gif I’m sooooo happy!!!! This is why I am soo thankful that they won’t be in the pet-caring show ^^ My sisters and I were really expecting since last year that they will be in HB anytime this 2012!
Btw, I saw the 1st episode of Infinite’s Sesame Player ~ You know, their concept is very different from MBLAQ’s SP! The concept for Infinite is nicer! They just don’t have the bathroom interviews, though. But if the concept for MBLAQ’s Sesame Player was like that, we would be able to know more about them!! Bahh, it’s so unfair : / I won’t continue watching Infinite’s Sesame Player. They haven’t attracted me, hahaha!! MBLAQ always wins the war!!!
sorry, i dont know them/him :/ but it sounds good and have a nice title —is it a sad song?

It’s OK ^^ Btw, thank you very much for saying that! Its title can also mean “Taken away from sadness”. It’s a very touching love song. If you want you can read its lyrics here. It is simple but I love the meaning very much ♥ Almost every time I listen to it, I imagine my ideal man is singing it to me shy.gif If you also would like, you can listen to the song. I‘m not sure you’ll like it but its background music is very nice — very ideal to be played on piano! Let’s imagine Seungho singing it to us while playing the piano wub.gif KYAAAAAAA!!! I also like Mariah Carey’s songs (from 90’s though) ~

I was able to watch the beginning of KBS Gayo Daejun — Sunhwa is soo pretty! Good that they were not on the same side as MBLAQ, hehe! But I imagine Seungho was trying his best to take a glimpse of her ~Like you said, I will also learn to accept their couple even though my heart will break (T_T) If they would be featured in WGM, my heart and lungs will die! Yep, G.O. likes Jooyeon. The last time I heard him say that was during Y times. This time, hmm, we won’t know if he changed his mind already.
Hahaha, even Bongsun (the other MC) fell in love with Seungho during Idol Army! She and Juri are soo lucky because they were always with them that time! aahh~ Whoever will be his girlfriend and more luckily, wife, she must treasure him just as much as he treasures her smile.gif
About the job for Seungho’s bodyguards, we are the only ones who know about that! No competition, wahahaha!! biggrin.gif

Hahaha, that’s his way of confessing his love because he loves gadgets! He’s unique and intelligent, kekeke! This time, he will not use a computer anymore — he will use an iPhone 4S! Btw, there is an article/show where MBLAQ got interviewed about their past loves— Many KA+ got jealous about it so yesterday, G.O. comforted the jealous goddesses and emphasized that all of those girls are in the past… he said that we, A+, are their only loves! Hahahaha, he’s very sweet!
My sisters insult Seungho’s lips because it’s very thick ~ Sometimes, Seungho’s photos load up slowly when we view their photos so they say, “That’s because his lips are so heavy!” They’re very bad : /
Full House made you cry? What parts made you cry? — It just made my heart giggle soo much!!! My sister bought it because Rain is MBLAQ’s hyung-nim! We weren’t fans of Rain before but because of this, we are his fans now!!! Hahahaha! Yeah, Rain is handsome and cute there! However, his younger brothers are more handsome!!! Kyaaaa!!! We thank him very much for making MBLAQ heartemo.png Go, watch it again but this time, please don’t cry!
!!! Aja, Aja, Fighting !!!
I can’t join in voting and expect another late reply (T_T) I believe in your power and all A+’s powerful hands!! We’ll always hope and pray they’ll win laugh.gif MBLAQ, DAEBAK!!

Your sister who always listens to MBLAQ’s songs even while making thesis,
heartemo.png Shammie

Re:MBLAQ <3, Jan 17 2012, 02:38 AM
Hazzie!! (I decided to make a nickname for you ^^)
I will send you my full reply for your lovely message this Saturday ~ I need a lot of time to reply to long messages you know, hehehe ^^
I just can’t help but tell you how jealous I am of Lauren wink.gif I read what you wrote in shoutbox “ i think seungho likes her coz he likes girls with pretty eyes... he is weak when it comes to girls with beautiful eyes keke” – I absolutely agree with you!! And I haven’t replied to the one you replied earlier when I was online earlier… yep Lauren is soo pretty!! Our Seungho surely now wishes for a pretty daughter like her! He’s sooo sweet to her in all photos I’ve seen of them together ~ Hoping that we cab be in her place, kyaaaa!!
Thank you very much too for the video you posted… Aww, Seungho our love!! He does his aegyo every time he sees her… (right now, I’m saving their presscon photos ^^)
P.S. Daebak for your upcoming semester!! Don’t worry; I always include you in my prayers!! I pray everything will be fine and good!!

I also pray you won’t get tired of clicking, browsing, streaming, voting, etc. for our MBLAQ!! Congratulations to you all!! You’re doing GREAT!
Thank goodness KA+ already did bulk-buy laugh.gif

MBLAQ <3, Jan 22 2012, 08:11 PM

I should be the one who must apologize more. I promised you that I will send you replies yesterday but I failed (now you see how I don’t keep promises). I did it on purpose because I want to watch the whole HB ep 1 before replying. Just this morning, we finished downloading it smile.gif
Don’t fall sick!! Eat a lot of green vegetables and squash (I think squash is also very common in Brunei because it is a tropical vegetable). As you know, those foods are good for the eyes and make our body strong against sickness. I think that you can’t stop from sleeping late because of doing A+ duties so just eat those to keep you healthy ^^ It works ~ This time I always sleep between 2-2:30 AM and I still feel ok because I eat those smile.gif And please sleep longer at daytime smile.gif
Until now, I can only help through searching for This is War in the music sites. I find it difficult to stream; my internet connection cannot support it (T_T) I badly want to help… If I can find a place where internet connection is strong, I will help in it, too! Fighting!!
I heard of the many comebacks this February — but they can never let us down! We will fight until the end of our MBLAQ’s promotions smile.gif So far, the recent Gaon album sales’ chart is amazing! It’s sooo nice to see all their albums from Just BLAQ to 100% Ver in it biggrin.gif Wow!!
I trust that we can win even one trophy! This is War has converted or made countless new A+. That’s enough evidence that we can put them to where they must be!
I really don’t like Koreans’ taste in liking music. I saw T-Ara’s Lovey-Dovey MV. There’s only a little difference between it and Roly Poly. Plus, its concept of zombies and their clothes while dancing with the zombies is a concept from Michael Jackson’s Thriller. It’s totally not new : /
i love the album sooo much! the songs are just wow...

I 100% agree!! This is why my sisters and I ordered it!! Finally, I’m going to have a real MBLAQ album :’) At first, I wasn’t yet so attracted to Run because of G.O.’s ah, ah, ah… but now, I love it!! At school, all songs in it repeat in my head again & again (especially This is War and Dangerous Girl). I’ve become more addicted to MBLAQ!!! All their albums never fail me shy.gif Really? Other fandoms said our MBLAQ’s song is awesome? That’s very touching! Our men’s talents get appreciated wonderfully ^^ I hope those fandoms will help us in doing the A+ duties, too! I requested ELFs but they seem to be unwilling sad.gif

thats what shocked me as well how come the boys can manage to pull the unique clothes and hairstyles like that? just wow... i didnt like cheondung's hair from the jacket album but now im used to it hehe G.O said its samurai concept for cheondung, then i thought ooohhh it suits him if he is a samurai..

Of course because they’re MBLAQ!! The most handsome boygroup all over the universe biggrin.gif
Me, too! That’s samurai concept? Ohhh, Doongie is the most handsome samurai I’ve ever seen!! ^♥^ I also stopped thinking their jacket concept is weird ^^
hehe your ideal type is almost the same as mine too! but its hard to find one like this... :/ lets keep our hope tight we will never know right? keke... '

Sisters think alike wink.gif I will always pray that the ones meant for each of us will exactly be like our ideal types!! I think negatively in most things but for finding Mr. Right, I always think positively, hahaha! This is how hopelessly dreamy I am ~
waaaa i think its a really nice song "-" i can see how you like it kekekkeke... true it would be nice if its played using piano too O_o wow if seungho play this for you on your birthday kekeke >_< aww so you like to have someone who knows how to play instrument or sing? (^^=)

Thank you very much!! Seungho playing that on my birthday?! Maybe I would not eat anything on that day anymore! I’d already feel full!!
Regarding your question, not necessarily. But I really want to marry a guy who knows how to play piano so well. (Seungho is like that but he is not mine so no chance sad.gif)
have you heard mblaq singing live for nakseo and this is war? GO's voice is soooo high there... i was amazed how GO could sing that high while dancing so fierce-fully during this is war..( i think this dance is really powerful)

I caught him gasping for breath in one of their This is War perfs (in a music program in MBC). It’s just natural — singing while dancing so powerfully is just sooo hard :S Their voices are so clear when they sing. That’s very awesome!! One time while reading the shoutbox, a member here said she saw a comment in YT saying that our MBLAQ are lip-synching, especially G.O.! Hahahaha, that’s so funny because it means our MBLAQ is so good, that they even get accused of lip-synching! If I could identify that specific YT user, I’d recommend her to watch MR-removed perfs of MBLAQ smile.gif

Their Hello Baby is more than 100% fun!!! GOSH, our Ddalbabo knows how to speak English!!! This means we can talk to him, KYAAAA!! He’s very good at it!!
I also got surprised of the way he laughed the time he saw his second clue. Believe me or not, that’s the way I laugh in real life! My eyes just got 0_0 when I saw him laugh that way. I can’t believe it!! :’)
He has become more ideal to us wub.gif He is close to being a perfect husband… I become more & more jealous of his future wife now!! I think that many A+’s have changed their bias because of Hello baby!!
Lauren and Leo are so jolly!! Leo is so funny because he got angry when Seungho took the fork from his hand!! He even gritted his teeth at him, hahaha!! Joon and Mir enjoyed that park very much, LOL! Poor Joon he cannot have baby Alex with him while G.O. is terribly challenged by Dayoung! Also, I got shocked of Seungho when he ate the gum straight from the little girl in red’s mouth!! 0_0 Wahhh!! Only real appas do it ~ He has become a real appa because of HB!!
I can’t wait for the 2nd episode!! Their dorm life will finally be exposed! biggrin.gif
Yoon & Hwan must be guests in HB! They will be Leo’s playmates and I wonder what they will say when they see Lauren and Dayoung, kekeke! Oh, G.O. has another baby girl to take care of! She’s surely is sooo pretty and cute!! biggrin.gif

lol i watched infinite's pet caring show.. they werent fun at all... so i decided to sleep keke...

You made me laugh hard, hahaha!!! From one look at them, it’s obvious that they aren’t as interesting as MBLAQ! I’m very glad that your friend who isn’t an A+ appreciated MBLAQ’s SP! This is how magnetizing they are ^^ Btw, have you watched their MIC interview? It’s very funny but at the same time, saddening. We can see how unhappy they were when their previous songs didn’t do well in SK charts and programs ~ They mentioned about those funnily but still, we can see sadness in their eyes (T_T) However, they made me crazily laugh with most of the things they said! Hahaha, Mir revealed that when Seungho lost 6 kgs., he went to eat jajangmyeon with any type of rice after going to a sauna! laugh.gif

I just remembered an interview of MBLAQ during Mona Lisa times where G.O. said his ideal type is Kim Yuna. So it’s not Jooyeon anymore ^^ And Seungho, I think he has no more space left in his heart for Sunhwa — his heart is filled with his daughter Lauren!!
in reality they shud have girlfriends by now . poor them T_T

Indeed. But because they are very busy and they think finding a GF who can understand their busy schedules is hard-to-find, they choose to be single. It’s good for us A+’s, though. We won’t have anyone to be jealous of. However, it is a big sacrifice for them. Hmm, but I also think they don’t like to have girlfriends this time. I think they are happily contented of the people around them and A+ goddesses right now ^^

kekek your unnie is so funny, im sure she is just joking ^-^ coz she knows you like seungho a lot ^^

She really is not joking sad.gif But now, I think she starts to disregard his lips because she dreams of him to become her husband!! Ohmo…

yeah it did made me cry T-T i dont remember which part coz there were many huhu... i remember the part where rain bi sits besides his bed and cried? i cried at that time also.... and the songs are sad T-T

Oh, I have a very hard heart dry.gif While watching that scene, I just said “Aww ~ He treasures his times with Ji Eun. Go back to her now!!”
I also hope very much that they will end up together! They are both single and they are one of my most favorite OTPs in Korea!! (I only have two favorite OTPs ^^)
i hope he will have a greater life smile.gif and maybe have girlfriend and get married (in one of the interview he said he wanted to rest at age 30, and now he is 30 years old already >_< how fast was it... last time i saw him in full house, now he is already 30 years old T-T )

Such wonderful and touching wishes smile.gif A pity he has no GF before going to the army, and he’s already 30! Things happen unexpectedly… I hope his future wife is someone who loves him loyally and truthfully!
I’m sure in his wedding, MBLAQ will sing for them. Soo lucky couple!!

I put more than 100% trust on all of you!! I believe in MBLAQ heartemo.png A+ Family!! Fighting!! Gambatte!! (a Japanese motto which means “Never give up”) We will reach our goals this year!! We just have to maintain our patience and work harder all the time biggrin.gif Like what Joonie said in their MIC interview, we will not land on the ground, and in the Run song,♫ We gotta love our haters, man! ♫ !! laugh.gif

Has your semester started already? I hope not yet ~!! It will not be difficult, don’t worry smile.gif

Your 100% Ver - Addicted Sister,

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