Re:MBLAQ <3, Jan 2 2012, 04:55 PM |
my dearest shammie
new year was great ^^ i get to shop with my family ^^
Thank you very much for being a part of my life last 2011 !! I’m soo very happy to meet you!! I will forever cherish that day we met each other!!
NO, thank you!
its really okay if you reply late in a week or 3, dont worry ^^ i dont want to add to your work ^^ studying is more important ^_____^ i just hope that you will have time for tonight's graffiti
btw watch this... was during MBC event where their microphone went wrong, yet they still sang and dance so hard even though the mic didnt work...they practiced so hard, it was supposed to be daebak T-T then this made me all teary ... while evryone else was counting for new year, they just hugged each other... sigh they worked really hard, but 2011 just wasnt their year, i hope with graffiti they will reach to the top and win as many awards!
i hope what they meant by early means february or march T-T please just say that T-T heunggg... our poor MBLAQ
im glad you liked it too!! his bad boy image makes him even more handsome
aja aja fighting on your thesis (=^-^=)v
no need to reply me on this one ^^ i just wanted to tell you how i feel and the link
from you beloved sister, hazimah~
Re:MBLAQ <3, Jan 14 2012, 11:56 PM |
dear shammie
im sorry too i havent been able to reply you sooner coz my semester is starting T-T and that mblaq's comeback makes it more busy
Oohh, I LOVE their New Year hug! It’s only them who did that !! Our lovies ~ It almost made me cry~ They’re very sweet!!
i cried watching this :') lol maybe coz i watched it directly after they were treated unfairly at the time during mbc....
i love the album sooo much! the songs are just wow... i cant even describe it.. the intro songs is esp for haters keke i think its lyric is cool... actually all the lyrics are good, im really glad Onewaychance produced the album :') everyone in youtube from many fandoms were so shocked that mblaq's song is awesome >_< lets us hope MBLAQ will win this 19th jan (m!countdown day) and let this day be the day when A+ all cry together :')
thats what shocked me as well how come the boys can manage to pull the unique clothes and hairstyles like that? just wow... i didnt like cheondung's hair from the jacket album but now im used to it hehe G.O said its samurai concept for cheondung, then i thought ooohhh it suits him if he is a samurai..
mm, if they separate, they will always be best friends and brothers so there’s nothing to worry about 
you know what you are right >_< they will always stick together!!!
I always think if ever I would ask Seungho for an autograph someday, he would just sign the paper and not look at me, kekeke! That’s the truth!
kekeke you re so cute thinking like this >_< lets just hope they will talk with us while signing KEEE like thunder did whehehhe.
kekek seungho is more handsome than his little brother though O_o and seungho is soo cute when his little brother piggy backed him
wow shammie... hehe your ideal type is almost the same as mine too! but its hard to find one like this... :/ lets keep our hope tight
yeah i figured yoseob's voice is not suitable to those that GO could sing.... have you heard mblaq singing live for nakseo and this is war? GO's voice is soooo high there... i was amazed how GO could sing that high while dancing so fierce-fully during this is war..( i think this dance is really powerful)
YEAHHHH heheh they will be on hello baby and its gonna be aired on the 19th january which is the same day as they will receive award from mcountdown (keke im setting a high hope that they will win) so basically 19th will be the luckiest day for MBLAQ and A+ family
lol i watched infinite's pet caring show.. they werent fun at all... so i decided to sleep keke... my friend watched the infinite's sp she said infinite is not fun so she stopped watching , mblaq's one is super fun she said (she is not an A+, she just like variety shows keke)
waaaa i think its a really nice song "-" i can see how you like it kekekkeke... true it would be nice if its played using piano too O_o wow if seungho play this for you on your birthday kekeke >_< aww so you like to have someone who knows how to play instrument or sing? (^^=)
i hope seungho will be the one who will change his mind from liking sunhwa :/ coz im getting used to GO liking jooyeon (although i still hope GO will change his mind too >_<) yeah i felt so happy when GO comforted A+ like that saying they only have A+...
the mc unnie (bongsun and juri) are sooo lucky... it a good thing they see each other as noona and dongsaeng only fuhhhhh ahhahaha,,,, btw i saw GO'S noona the one who have twin babies... the twins are now growing up and they have baby girl too so cuteee!!!! >_< (sorry if this is random keke)
About the job for Seungho’s bodyguards, we are the only ones who know about that! No competition, wahahaha!! 
WAHHHHHHHHH best job ever!!! although, its forever going to be our DREAM job hehe >_< kyahhh[quote]My sisters insult Seungho’s lips because it’s very thick ~ Sometimes, Seungho’s photos load up slowly when we view their photos so they say, “That’s because his lips are so heavy!” They’re very bad : / ][quote] kekek your unnie is so funny, im sure she is just joking ^-^ coz she knows you like seungho a lot ^^
yeah it did made me cry T-T i dont remember which part coz there were many huhu... i remember the part where rain bi sits besides his bed and cried? i cried at that time also.... and the songs are sad T-T i used to love this couple that i hope they will be couple in real life, but i think now, they are not suitable for each other ^^ i was a biggg fan of rain bi but that was when i was young i didnt know he sings lol >_<
me too i feel glad that he made this group :') and trust mblaq with all his heart
YES!!! please believe in our effort ^-^ we can do this! help motivate us A+ will do ^^ keke almost all A+ here are sleepless coz we help a lot... i really hope we will win this time!!!!!
kekeke i hope you will be able to listen to mblaq's songs more
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