----- 2012 -----
Re:MBLAQ <3, Jan 1 2012, 02:02 AM
Re:MBLAQ <3, Jan 1 2012, 02:02 AM
my dear shammie ur very welcome!!!!! im sooo glad that mblaq's comeback is on the 3rd jan!!!! KYAAAAA im soooo happy for this one kyaaaa i might totally forgot about getting autograph from him!!! i really want his cloud sign,, so cuteee!!!! have you seen his new hair? this time its totally different!!!!!! he cut it short ^^ i think i like it hehe, i didnt at first but after seeing him in vid, it suits him so much! the hair stylist even said that it only suits seungho coz of his face size and face shape, no other can nail that hair style than seungho does :DDDD i like joonie's and mir's as well ^^ i havent seen cheondung's coz in the vid he wears hat all the time lol.... GO's hair this time is brown... i think it doesnt really suit him, but it doesnt look ugly either so im okay ^^ awwww you are so right, ABM is like a house and mblaq pic is there coz mblaq is part of our beloved ones (husbands) and we are the wives KEEEEEE im totally excited and still waiting for that day when we can meet mblaq to come!! i hope they willl still be together as MBLAQ by the time we get enough money to go T-T coz im scared... have you ever thought that they might separate? people said i look older than my older unnie haha then they said that i look nothing like her T-T lol we are the same shammie but i think Philippines all have handsome and beautiful people because whenever i see philippines here in brunei, they are all so handsome and beautiful ^^ hehehhe now i feel scared meeting seungho face-to-face lol. at first when i liked BEAST i thought doojoon is older than seungho, but it turns out that seungho is wayyy older, i just couldnt believe it at first lol,,,, why seungho have young looking face ughhhh such a cutie! whoaaaa!!! we have the same thought!!!!! i can accept when they are 3-5 years older too! hehehe true we have the same opinion,,, i just dont like childish acts... what type of man do you like? hehe lol as for me i really like to date man who im comfortable with, no need to pretend in front of each other no need to wear makeups, just being the usual me, and he still likes me ^^ and of course he must be okay looking lol. and definitely someone like seungho ^^ (which is impossible T____________T) true!!! cheondung looks like a girl in mona lisa jacket album! lets hope that this time they will look cooler!!! HEHEHEH i like GO's hair up though, i just didnt like his loooong front hair coz its hiding GO's beautiful eyes and it got too much gel on him :s i think his hair looks too complicated ... 2012 IS SOOOOO GOING TO BE BLAQ YEAR!!! im anticipating their comeback graffiti/scribble/doodle TRUE!! i liked yoseob's voice coz he never failed when singing but GO's voice are just too charming! i thought even ever since tykeys, GO's voice was really good! when he sang this en song live O_o just daebak that i beacme speechless when i heard it at first... whaaaa!!!! how come i didnt know that GO will join in IS2 huhu thank you for telling me!! hehe yesss i can giggle and get enchanted by myself , but most of the time i got goosebumps from hearing them singing O_o btw i still dont understand, are they a permanent member in pet-caring show? or just in one episode? in the first episode i saw infinite with A-pink though... yesss!! true!! seungho will look extra cute with babies!!!! >_< sorry, i dont know them/him :/ but it sounds good and have a nice title idol army is scripted, but they are still able to be sooo funny and random!!! maybe you are right she is probably kind ^^ i saw they perform yesterday, she looked really beautiful O_o making me so jealous sigh... i hope this couple isnt true, but if it is true, ill learn to accept >_< GO is a charming person, i think so too she likes someone like GO... >_< but GO likes jooyeon (sp?) hehe and it took me so long to accept her to be with GO too :/ seungho shows his many many cute unique personalities there in idol army people are enchanted by it >_< kyaaaaa esp his grandfather laugh ^_____^ ,his body fat check up and the grey cloud that always appears on top of his head >_< and me too T-T in every epi they get to choose a girl sigh... how lucky is that true he doesnt want his private life gets exposed and i like that too coz he might get hurt if the girl is not liked by many people and the girl could get hurt as well... by then we might not be able to see seungho smiles brightly :s so im glad he is this kind somehow ^^ true we A+ family are close together QUOTE Ah! I know what your new job will be — Seungho’s bodyguard!!! I like to join you!! Kyaaaa!!! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! im by his left side and you will be by his right side!!!! >_< i can imagine that already!!!! i feel so jealous too when seungho asked her to be his. if I were her, sigh I wonder why did she rejected him for @_@ but I really think its so sweet of him proposing like that, not many man can do that O_o its my first time knowing this method actually >_< wow!!! your sisters are soooo cool!!! HEHHEHE daebak! but why they insult seungho’s lips?? >_< hehe is it too sexy? KEKEKKEKE good thing there is full house T-T don’t get so stressed out dear :/ full house is really good right? hhehehhe!!! why all the sudden your sister bought full house? ^__^ full house mad my cry endlessly! did you cry ?? >< and rain bi looks so handsome there and cute at the same time!!!! now I feel like want to watch full house again kekekke bye bye my beloved sister shammie always loving you | |
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