Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Message from Vina

Oct 24 2011, 11:30 PM

aaaw, I'm touched sister! hahahaha high-five!

About the letter, uhm, actually my only bias is Joonie~ kyahaha. Mir, I wanted to write more to him, because as a maknae, actually he's feel depressed now, isn't he? I bet you know about him, taking a break from twitter so, I want to encourage him and tell him that actually he's like the sunshine the hyperactive one that makes us really laugh and we don't want him to actually leave twitter, and hope that he would comeback. hahaha. about the rest, I don't really have much to talk about but maybe a bit of cheondung since he seems to be a bit 'alinated' and don't have much friends beside the blaqies, so yeah. G.O and Seungho actually done a pretty good job as the hyungs. so no worries as the older oppa are take caring our little oppa. hahahha

I might be leaving the internet world as on 1st november~ :'( because I have a contract of the internet thingy so contract most probably ends this month so, I might not have internet connection to do anything by then, but as my exam ends, I'll be going back Indonesia! yes, I'm originally from Indonesia, and I'm Indo-Chinese hehehe. so as I go back, I'll have my internet back~~ :3 and I don't know how my life would be for the 2 weeks later on. And I can't support my blaqies with the unfairness of the Japanese, but at least they should let us play fair game right? That's really unfair, it's annoying~ sad.gif I want my blaqies to win some award or feel proud of themselves since they never really win any much awards and they don't really top chart in korea, so let them top the japan chart fair and square as we vote for them is that so bad? sad.gif

Btw, watch more korean shows will help you in korean! hahaha my korean are too basic, still can't say it's korean or not. hahahaha. and thank you! I hope I can get good grades too hehehhe. You too! Fighting! for your studies~ I'll miss you though~ my A+ sister~~ ah, you're back to school and I'm gonna have my long school break after my final paper on 14 november! I hope that we still can PM each other occasionally till my internet is suspended. hahahha

It's really good to talk to you, I feel like having a penpal or something~ first time in my life. HAHAHA being an A+ is so so so GOOD! Glad to know you, Sammie!
btw, my real name is Ervina~ which I didn't reveal in any of my info biggrin.gif

With love heartemo.png pikajjoon~

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