Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Message from Hazimah

Nov 2 2011, 09:36 AM

shammi!!! T______T sorry i havent reply you coz i had a big test yesterday, ended up studying the whole 4 days :/ my test sucks hahaha, all i read didnt really came out T_T then i read your message, and it made my day ^^ MBLAQ always help release stress keke and talking to you too also help ^^ thank you!!! btw, no i have to order cd from websites T_T that is why i asked my sister coz she has card for it :/ only koreans like 4 minute, suju beast, snsd's cd are sold here no mblaq so sad for both of us T_T

You’re very lucky to have a kind unnie!! My unnie is bad : /

yes she is :') hehe our cd and mblaq dvd are soo expensive, yet she still wants to help coz she knows im all crazy for MBLAQ kyaaaaa hehe. why your unnie is bad? maybe she is kind too but she doesnt show it much biggrin.gif

Y? I thought U-KISS already went there?

no they actually havent come to brunei yet... many of my friends already paid hundreds of dollar for the ticket but they seem to will never come T_T its a good thing i m not a fan of ukiss hehe. and if ukiss did come, they will be the first one to have a fan signing event.

I study history, economics, and law; I’m dying because of these things.

wow your subjects are sooo hard!!!!! economics are really hard i hate it lol... goodluck with that dear! law is also hard, im currently studying the basics as my extra subject (for fun) but i went all blur because of law hahaha. are you going to be a lawyer? im taking accounting and finance as my major hehe, my minor are like laws, economics, business... subjects that i hate really

brunei dont really have good teaching system, so i can assure you will not regret not going to brunei ^^

im pretty sure you are angry for right reasons ^^ i too have ugly habits when i go angry, i tend to shout at them or just stay too quiet lol

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