LOL, I’m not sweet because I’m not a chocolate or candy ; )
Nevertheless, thank you very much!! You’re even sweeter because you say that to me although I’m a sour person
Hohoho, although I just watched it yesterday, I forgot what episode your avatar picture was from. Maybe it’s either Episode 9 or 10 (if you plan to watch Sesame Player again) ^^
but my Korean is not that good
This means you know Korean! I’m jealous of you! At least, you know even a bit. Me, I don’t know anything at all : S
after you encouraging me right now, I think I'd submit my letter to them.
Very great!! Thank you!!
hoping that'll make them smile. I'll write a loooong essay for them. [/b]
Definitely, you’ll be making them smile
However, there’s something saddening for our part: Our messages must only contain 200 words (max.) :’(( My world crumbled into dust when I read their FAQ yesterday before sending my letter (which was about 4 pages long in MS Word – long bond paper size).
I ended up summarizing it into 200 words (which was a terribly difficult job for me) :’(
But I think I'd write mostly to Joonie and Mir! hahaha
Hahaha, so you’re Joonie-and-Mir bias! I wrote to them as MBLAQ in my 200-word message.
The real reason why my 4-page letter was that long is because I wrote to MBLAQ and to each member :’(
I know you already know that MBLAQ is already on #6
I vote for them like crazy that I don’t even join in the shoutbox conversations while I’m voting… However, no matter what we do, their votes are smaller than those for the top 5 (T_T) Many of us vote at the same but still, votes come in slowly (T_T)
since my 'O' level exam is starting tomorrow and gonna last for about 3 weeks or so, so, I might not be able to fully support them like I could few days ago, but I hope that the rest of you can continue supporting them
Oh, I just read this at about 1 pm! Although my prayers of good luck for you are late, I hope they will work! By the way, I believe very well that you’ll get very good grades on it! You’re a genius!
Yes, you can trust the rest of us who devotedly vote in imusicfes! We’re not sure if we can make it to #1 but we’ll try to raise their votes and put them back to top 5 again. God bless us! I hope we will succeed in everything we do; for MBLAQ and for ourselves!
I want to say sorry in advance. I’m sending PM’s as much as I can from this week until next because I have my school break until G.O.’s birthday. On November 7, I’m sure I’ll disappear again
Thank you so much, Sammie, you're like the first A+ that really make me feels like we're friends. Haha
Oh, I’m very touched
This might sound cheesy but I already treat you as a sister although we just met each other. I feel very pleasant when I talk to you. Maybe because we have the same blood type? (Yes, I’m type A
Always sincerely yours,
~♥♥ Shammie
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