Friday, November 11, 2011

Message for Vina

Oct 26 2011, 12:12 AM

Plus, there are many polls to vote in; just like the kpopwave you posted in the shoutbox earlier. I haven’t opened it yet because I’m just at home where my internet access is limited. I’ll vote for them tomorrow at the PC room a thousand times, I promise! (I have 3 email accounts, plus my two sisters’ accounts.)
Btw, watch more korean shows will help you in korean!

I can’t ~ I don’t have time : S And I don’t learn easily through just watching those. I need to be taught in a more detailed way, step by step. Korean is like Math to me : S

hahaha my korean are too basic, still can't say it's korean or not. hahahaha

Hahahaha! Oh you don’t need to insult your Korean! Mine is worst — Do you want to hear it? Han, tul, set —

Is that understandable? NO! kkkk wink.gif It isn’t even Korean. It’s the language of people in Pluto~

Fighting! for your studies~

Actually tomorrow, I’ll view my grades for my subjects last semester. I feel so nervous already ~

I'll miss you though~ my A+ sister~~

Me, too, much, much, much :’(

ah, you're back to school and I'm gonna have my long school break after my final paper on 14 november!

Our educational systems are so different ~ How very depressing ~ :’(
Please never think that I have already forgotten you if I cannot PM you. You’re always in my heart, mind and soul, just like MBLAQ!
It's really good to talk to you, I feel like having a penpal or something~ first time in my life. HAHAHA being an A+ is so so so GOOD! Glad to know you, Sammie!

Thank you (I repeat this1000 zillion times). I thank you endlessly!! You know I feel the same way for you, too!!
Oh my, I’m your first penpal (or webpal)? (teary eyes while smiling) This is a very great honor to me ~ To be honest with you, I also have a sister in Mexico but we talk in another forum I’m joining (it’s a forum about royal families). We talk about royals, while we talk about MBLAQ, yahahaha!! ♥♥
Plus, I apologize for giving you very long responses even though your message is just the right length. I’m sorry if I say almost all that is in my mind ~ This is one of my diseases: being very over-detailed. Thank you so much for reading my long messages! ♥♥ heartemo.png ♥♥

Devotedly yours despite our 2, 519 km distance from each other,
♥♥ Sammie

P.S. Have you already seen the Seasons Greetings’ BLAQ+ goodies (in the gallery)?? OH MY!! I am already dead at heart because I badly need them but I cannot buy them (T_T)

I also don’t feel sad that your husband (my brother-in-law) has withdrawn from the ‘Please Captain’. I don’t want him to have very packed schedules. Even album recordings are already so stressful, how much more if he’d be in that drama ~ Plus, I don’t like ANY girl to get near him other than you. I hate to pair him up with other girls ~

And Look here! Another opportunity to let them know WE LOVE THEM smile.gif

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