Friday, November 11, 2011

Message for Vina

Nov 3 2011, 06:45 PM

My Dearie Sister Vina ~!!

That’s a very G.O.O.D. News!! biggrin.gif You can always visit ABM, look for Joon’s amazing photos, view the latest news and videos about them, etc! … and I hope that we can continue talking even in times I’m back-to-school. I will really miss you soo much if I cannot send you messages (T_T)

You’re very welcome! Of course, sisters understand each other wink.gif
How are your exams by the way? I’m sure you answered them all confidently wink.gif Think of MBLAQ & Joon when you answer them; it works ~ you’ll get better scores! : D

seriously. that was her?! I never knew that.

Now, you have a reason to hate that witch’s voice in Oh Yeah! Yep, she really sounds so gross there. She even pronounced Yeah wrongly dry.gif
Tell me: Did they have a kissing scene in Bubble Pop?
My sister watched the “Behind the Scenes of Bubble Pop” here in ABM and she saw in one of the comments that they did that scene?!?! (T_T)
I haven’t seen that thread yet and I don’t have time to look for it. I’m thinking my sister either misunderstood that post or she was out of her senses while looking at the comments ~ I’d feel soo angry if ever that’s true!! I hope it is not!

He's too kind to make her embarrassed for her 'one-sided love' eeeew

Hahaha, correct!! I know that Joon dedicated his heart for you only! heartemo.png
I hope that she’d get a boyfriend soon. It’s finer if it’s one from B2ST! I just remembered today that in a later interview, she said that her ideal type must be below 170 cm in height (definitely, Joon is out ~)
yeah, that's the A+ spirit~ always thinks you're good-looking~ like G.O ㅋㅋㅋㅋ always confident in yourself, my dearling~~

To be fair, I’ll say we’re all very pretty girls, hehehe wink.gif Speaking of G.O., I wonder when he will stop taking selcas ~ I hope that he would pose with other BLAQies everyday, especially Joon! I rarely see a picture of them together…

-virtualhugs- aaawww, don't cry, you'll wake up looking like seungho hahahahahaha

(hugs you back) Ok, I’ll just sing “Cry”! But it’s ok if I’ll cry too, so that I would look like Seungho the next morning : )) I like that, hehehe!

So good that you also noticed Jessica and Krystal look way too different (give me five)!!
I cannot even think they’re sisters no matter how long I look at them ~ I have seen only one photo of Jessica before her debut, and I agree, she totally looks different from what she looks like currently. The other side of my brain says she has just matured and so her face became like that, while the other says she got plastic surgery… which is possible because she’s already rich.

Thank you very much for the meaning of I/C! We are strange here in Philippines; we call identification card an “I.D” ^^

but still, I feel that I'm lying to him by not telling him what happened.

The feeling of guilt (T_T) Like what G.O. said, lies are things that will be absolutely exposed some time. If you really can’t bear it, just tell it to him. I think he will understand and will say it is fine because you are more important than that wallet smile.gif

No problem~~ lazy sisters fighting~~~ hahahahha

Hahaha, Fighting!! We are hard-working only in things related to MBLAQ wink.gif
Thank God, the phone number is not needed anymore for the MAMA voting! I discovered something regarding this. I don’t know if this really works but just try —
After you used all your email addresses, facebook & twitter accounts, just refresh the voting page. After that, you’ll see the “Voting Start” pop-out window again, so, vote again! Repeat the process ^^ I hope the votes we make really get counted.
So nice that MBLAQ isn’t going to MAMA ^^ It’s vey timely because you won’t be in Singapore that time! God is so G.O.O.D!! Actually, they know that you won’t come that’s why they wouldn’t attend it wink.gif

Haha, wish come true, my dear, Mir tweeted in English~~ 'comeback coming soon' Engrish to be exact hahahahaha.

I hope he will do this again!! His Engrish is daebak!! I think his accent is G.O.O.D. (based on MBLAQ Goes to School) He just needs more lessons so he can be perfect (I hope he will not sleep during classes, though ^^)

I really hope they'd tweet in English more often as they did every time they went to Japan. so if they went to US they'd tweet in English hahahhaha

I hope the same!! They should post longer tweets and tweet many times ♥♥♥♥♥ If they’d speak English in the Las Vegas concert, I hope someone will upload a fancam of it!
G.O., Cheondung and Mir are soo funny and foolish! Maybe they are taking advantage of Seungho’s kindness this time? (I said he’s ‘kind this time’ because he didn’t attack the three rebels). Our adored ones are their current “tortured ones”… Joon also got a silly drawing of himself by Cheondung! That drawing is so unfair to his good looks!!
Yeah, looks like he lost some muscles, I hope all of them would eat a lot like our Yang-Leader hahahahha

Hahahaha, indeed! I am afraid Seungho steals what his brothers should eat ~ Don’t worry, I’ll scold him if he does that! I’m glad that they had a one free day (one day only?!) yesterday ~ I hope they really had a proper rest!! Oh well… G.O. — he went on composing songs. It’s soo nice of him!! I hope he is doing very G.O.O.D. ones smile.gif
hahaha why?

I feel embarrassed because the PC room where I always go to are full of students who are researching about their home works while I am just searching for photos of them! It’s like I’m not a student, hohohoho!! This is the reason why I often tell myself that MBLAQ kills my studies ~
I don't want this habit but what can I do, when I saw Joonie, and internet is calling meeee~ geez both are too addictive hahahha

We just have to control our daily intake of MBLAQ drug — from 1 cup to 1 tablespoon… I hope this works ^^ We can fight this addiction, go, go, go!!
P.S. ) I was about to send you this message yesterday but my younger sister stopped me : / (It’s like she’s older than me, hehehe).
Hoping you will get very high scores and all that you’ve studied come out in your exams ~ Daebak!! Success!! God Bless You!!

Ever yours sincerely,
heartemo.png Sammie

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