Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Profile in Absolute MBLAQ forum...just posting it here.

♫♫ HELLO !! ♫♫

Nobody’s gonna read this, I know, but I’m still going to write one in case there is someone who has accidentally clicked on my profile. To you who is reading this — Thank you very much & I’m very sorry in advance if this bores you to death!!

My real name is Shamaine and I’ve officially been an A+ on May 8, 2011. I’m a pure Filipina and I live down south. I’m too far away from Seoul !!
I am not very active here because I’m spending all my energy at school. I’m currently in third year college taking up Bachelor of Science in Education Major in Social Studies. I’m hopefully graduating in March 2013 … I trust in God and Jesus and I’m praying very well that I will survive this!
I have extremely monstrous teachers; no doubt, I have become even more problematic, more nervous, and sadder these times. I’m really a boring person…not just that… I’m also very ugly and fat! kwahahaha, but I love myself even though I am like this smile.gif
My blood type is A+. I’m not lying! I’m really an A+, kwahahaha!
As expected of people who are type A, I’m very shy and quiet around people I am not close with. However, if I’m with people who I treat as family or special ones (for now, only my parents and sisters comprise those people), I’d be very talkative, loud and silly. I am very friendly, too. I tend to talk to people who are alone with me — if there’s only the two of us. I am not very sociable, though.
I dislike loud and crowded places. But if it were MBLAQ or U-KISS’ concerts, I’d love to be there wholeheartedly!!
I prefer peaceful places… cemeteries not included! I love nature so I prefer quiet places which are God’s wonders smile.gif
I love reading about various subjects. I have read a lot of encyclopedias already so my knowledge ranges from geography, medicine, agriculture, Christian religion, biology, K-pop boy groups I’m very interested of and most of all … history.
I exceedingly love 19th-20th centuries’ European royals especially the Russian Imperial Family of Romanov dynasty!! That’s the reason why I took a course related to History.
I don’t like fictional stories so I haven’t yet read a single novel or any of that sort.
I love cooking and foods very, very much. No doubt why I am very fat now, kwahaha!! I can cook but not all turn out perfectly. There are some times when I make a dish over-salty, but it can't kill : )
If I were given a chance to cook food for MBLAQ or U-KISS, I’d cook A LOT for them and make sure all would say ~ “Mashissoyo!” ~ truthfully and with all their heart!! heartemo.png
I also love gardening! Among my sisters and me, I am the only one who has an enormous interest in plants. One of the reasons why I loved Mir was because he grew up in a farm, so definitely, he also knows a lot about planting!
I don’t like watching movies. In my whole life, the only movie I appreciated most is Titanic, especially when I watched it with English subtitles; wow! It’s a fictional one but it’s very beautiful and totally moving!!
I easily get angry. It depends on situations, though. I sometimes may get angry over small things but most of the things I get angry about are big things.
I’m not materialistic. I am very sure of this. I love money but I only buy what is important. I am over-simple… I easily get contented of the things I have, and do not ask much material things from my parents no matter how hard they insist that I should demand at least one for myself.
I don’t care much about accessories, bags, shoes, make-up, perfume, whatever most girls want which one can think of — I only buy what is important and I don’t buy excessively! I make sure everything I have gets worn out or duly consumed before I buy something new!
I’m not a fashionista. I stick to the typical: T-shirt and jeans. Sometimes, I get teased that I look like a mom. Well, that’s true, and I don’t care about what they say. I care for decency and modesty. Obviously, no guy will like someone like me!
I love talking to God and Jesus when I’m about to sleep. Not just by praying, but also that kind of how people talk with each other. I do it almost everyday. I often talk to myself, too. It’s stress-relieving.
I’m not interested with K-pop. I’m only interested with U-KISS (including Darling Alexander and Kibum), MBLAQ, SHINee, 2PM, and B2ST — that’s the ranking of those boy groups from first to fifth in my heart. But my very most prayed-for guy is in ~~ of course ~~ MBLAQ!
I loved Super Junior and TVXQ before, but I knew much about them already, and I found a better ideal guy in MBLAQ so I’m not interested of those two groups anymore.
I am interested with all MBLAQ members but my most favorite and beloved is Darling Leader Yang Seung ho.
Don’t doubt my adoration and devotion to him. I’m always thinking and worrying much about him.
Reason behind my display name — it’s because at first, my most favorite one was Mir. Once while I was reading a cookbook about chocolate cakes, there’s a recipe called “Marjolaine” & that instantly reminded me of Mir. So, I made the name “Mirjolaine” out of that smile.gifI’m not going to change it because I love that name and it’s also my way of thanking Mir for making me more curious about MBLAQ heartemo.png
My nickname is “SeungJoon” because my sisters' bias is Joon while mine is Seungho. But Joon ranks second in my heart smile.gif
Before, I said that I only love a few songs of MBLAQ. Now I changed! I love almost all their songs!!
Aside from their songs, I love old songs … those from the mid-60’s to 90’s English songs. The boyband which captured my heart and I will forever cherish is Michael Learns To Rock from 1990's.
The only songs from this century which I love (whatever genre they are) are those songs sung by the K-pop boy groups I mentioned above.
And lastly because I’m talking too much, I like to say that obviously, I am the person who talks too much in the internet but in real life (unless we are very close), I can’t express myself verbally well ! I’m very sorry if I say a lot. I am a very detailed person. I also am the kind who says “Thank you” and Sorry” a lot, here in the web and real life.

So again, thank you very much for reading this wordy info about me. I don’t mind if you only read some parts or only the ending; I’m still very thankful to you! Thank you for understanding me!!

God & Jesus bless you and may all your wishes come true (whatever they are as long as they are good and would give happiness to a lot of people and /or you)!!

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