Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tatiana Nikolaevna

The dark auburn-haired grand duchess was the second to be born to the Tsar and Tsarina on May 29, 1897. She became known at the royal household as Tatya, Tanushka and Tatianochka. She was a dainty good-looking baby, with her thin lips, beautiful nose and dark blue-gray eyes which almost appeared to be black at dim light. Those attributes foreshadowed her astounding and matchless beauty when she turned to a young lady.
She got a striking resemblance of her Mama, and coincidentally, was the closest one to her. The Tsarina told Tsar Nicholas about how Tatiana understood her so well than her other sisters did. The things she and her mama both had in common were the likes for clothes, furs, perfume, and jewelry. One thing they didn’t get along well with was Tatiana’s friendly attitude. Tsarina Alix considered everybody around them, except the ones she knew so well, as probable bad influences to her children. It caused so much consternation on the OTMA for they were not also able to know their cousins well because of that reason.
She was like her sisters Anastasia and Maria, who were both disinclined with studying. She didn’t have inspiration when doing schoolwork. She wasn’t interested with arts and was more to craft-making. One Siberian guard quoted it would have been better if she had been a man. She was more submissive than Olga, who tends to grumble when she was asked to do a house chore. 
Dubbed as “The Governess” on OTMA, she was often pushed to ask favors from their parents whenever someone demanded of something. She was like the eldest among them. Olga, nevertheless, didn’t resent her for she loved Tatiana do it for her (much than Tatiana’s knowledge). She was also the prettiest grand duchess, as said by most Siberian guards during their imprisonment and the ones she took care of on World War I. She had a graceful posture and a lovely lady voice. She had the typical characteristics of an Emperor’s daughter. Many appreciated her remarkable ways of walking, talking, staring, standing, sitting, and even smiling. Her styles were of a “True Grand Duchess”.
She was the tallest and thinnest on the four. Her height was approximately 5’8. If she lived this time, she would probably become a supermodel.
During their family’s capture, she became more fretful with the unattended wounded soldiers in the hospitals where she worked. She also worried about her Papa and Mama’s conditions. Few minutes after one o’clock morning of July 17, 1918, she was assassinated together with her family and the servants who remained loyal to them. Yurovsky shot her next to Alexei. At the end of the firing, it turned out to be that all the women killed were still alive. Why? It was because of the royal jewels they all sewed in their bodices while they were still in Tobolsk. They found it as a solution on how to hide those from their captors. Tatiana was stabbed with a bayonet. That stab took her life away. Oh, poor Tatiana. You ended by the means of the evils in the world. You died innocent. But justice came your way as your bodies were exhumed along the Moscow high road. I’m glad now you’re peaceful in Heaven together with your family. I’ll see you sooner than you know. Auf Wiedersehen….Tatiana Romanova. 

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