Sunday, May 24, 2009

Olga Nikolaevna

Olga is on the left; Tatiana on the right.

Born on November 15, 1989, Olga was the first child blessed to Tsar Nicholas and Tsarina Alexandra of Russia. Nicknamed as Olya and Olenka, she was known for being broad-faced and blonde. She inherited her Papa’s pug nose and that foible made her one of Anastasia’s victims. She was described as ‘ugly’ but as she grew older, her face improved. She became noticeably prettier at her early teens. She has a willowy figure and blue eyes. She was often associated to Tatiana. 
As the first child, she took the toll of responsibility over her younger siblings. Her irresponsibility infuriated her Mama so much that she complained of it to Nicholas. Olga had the habit of answering back when scolded and sulks quickly if she received a lot of sermon from Alexandra. She’s the one who wants to be driven by her own will, not by anybody else. She liked to read so much and considered it as her pastime. Before Alexandra reads a book from her collection, Olga assures that it was good for her as she read it beforehand for her. If she has nothing to do, she does crafts which in turn would be given to charities, sold at bazaars, or handed out as presents. She knew a wide variety of crafts like her sisters as their Mama had taught them. She was also the one most disposed to studying. Her tutors Pierre Gilliard and Sydney Gibbes appreciated the sweet grand duchess’ assiduity and regarded her as their best student.
On 1914’s World War I, she and her Mama and Tatiana, served as nurses. As she had not been interested with looking at the sickening wounds of the soldiers operated on, she yielded her work. The bad side of the war was that after her service, she became moodier, inflicting her a nervous breakdown.
On the spread of October Revolution, she and her family were imprisoned at Tsarskoe Selo. Life there had not been as difficult as what happened to them in Tobolsk, and lastly, at Ekaterinburg. In Tobolsk, they had to do many house chores but of course, they did those willingly. The unpleasant treatment they had there were to have a limited view of what was outside and their food supply was incapable of feeding them all up. These circumstances made Olya thinner and more anguished. Of all the sisters, she was the most aware of Nicholas and Alexandra’s negative images in their country. Followed by Nicholas abdication was the journey of Nicholas, Alexandra, and Maria, her sister, to Ekaterinburg. At May, she, Tatiana, Anastasia and Alexei, the tsarevitch, followed them through the steam liner Russia or “Rus”. At Ekaterinburg, the Romanovs lived at Ipatiev House, a one-and-a half storied house. The whole house was surrounded with a palisade of logs and the windows were also painted to entirely cover their view of the outside. Their captors from the Red Army or Bolsheviks made their life terribly despair in their last staying place here in Earth. 
As the early morning hours of July 17, 1918 went on, the Romanovs were assembled at the cellar room of “The House of Special Purpose” for the final resolution of the Bolsheviks: killing them. Past one o’clock in the morning, the firing began lead by Yakov Yurovsky, a sinister Jewish Bolshevik officer. Loud screams rose up in the early morning air and the bodies of each of them fell one by one. Olya was killed after Tatiana, hit on the head with a bullet by Yurovsky or anyone (as the assassins were assigned for a specific one to kill). Just before they were shot, Alexandra and Olya made the sign of the cross but unfortunately did not finish it. After the infamous assassination of the last Imperial Family of Russia, the bodies were checked for pulses to assure everybody had been killed. It revealed that Alexandra, the grand duchesses and Anna Demidova, Alexandra’s handmaid, were not yet dead. The killers instantly finished them off with bayonets and once again, guns, each aimed at the head and different parts of their bodies. After the attempts, all were pronounced dead except Grand Duchess Maria who had been mysteriously silent after Ermakov struck her on the face. That was the miserable end of the life of an innocent and beautiful woman named, OLGA.

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