I warn you in advance that I might be completely gone in the coming days and weeks
its okay really ^^ school is more important!! coz one day we have money to see MBLAQ ^^ me too!! ^^ but ill be free starting today
MBLAQ will be so happy to entertain their only fans, right? We don’t have any enemies with their attention ^^ They will pour their whole attention to us!! ♥
whaaaaa!!!!!! i think like this sometimes too >_< thinking how they smile only for us kyaaaa!!!!!!! and seungho will be staring at us >_<
Don’t worry I’ll send you something when I saved much money already! Although it is not something MBLAQ-related, I want to give you a gift!!
really???? i dont expect anything in return, you dont have to do that >_<
I hope they would think that Dara will be happy if Cheondung and MBLAQ will win even in the Best Male Kpop Dance!!
i wish much of 2ne1's fan could also like mblaq T-T and become Aplus and blackjack at the same time >_< just imagine, mblaq will have sooo many fans!!!
I wonder why Mir gets thin. A+’s send them lots of foods. Maybe he doesn’t eat much?
Haha, thank you! The first time I saw that photo, his eyes are like telling me “make me your avatar, please ~” Aww, he is very cute and handsome there!!!
yeah i really pity him
This time, I am also breaking my head thinking about a problem for my thesis but I can’t think of something until now ~
Like Seungho, we have dark clouds above our heads!
Like Seungho, we have dark clouds above our heads!
whoa sounds hard :/ i hope you are able to think of one now since the last time you reply me ^^ kyaaaa seungho's dark cloud so cute! >_<
By the way, have you already heard the song “You and I’ by our MBLAQ (OST for Scent of a Woman)? It’s very, very beautiful !! It’s very calming to the heart ♥♥♥♥♥
ive heard it and i keep on listening to it again and again!!!!! same as GO'S believe!!! the song really helped me a lot, it has lyrics about how we shouldnt give up ^^
have a very great day, and if you are tired, please do rest
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