Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Message from Vina

Oct 26 2011, 02:28 AM

HAHAHA I'm so happy that you found me~ hahahaha,
I really wonder how is there a person think so much alike as me?
Glad to be your friend, really really really glad~~~~~

aaaww, you're attracted to his Seunghonism? hahahhaha,
ohmygod, I really have to say this, I AGREE!!! I don't know why they like to pairing up joonie with every single one of them, I mean, are they trying to say that they are gay? Even though, I doesn't like HyunAh and Jiyeon or Hyomin as they are pairing Joonie with but still, Joonie and the others are just like brothers, they don't have to pair them around cause that's awkward. hahaha

Yeah~ remember the sexy concept and how they tease each other, I miss that~~ sad.gif Btw, I heard that Joonie'll make twitter early january~~ YAY but i think it depends if he's free, I mean with their comeback, he'd be very busy right? But I really hope he'd make it asap cause I want his personal update about himself and how the other hyungs and maknaes will tease him~ hahahaha,DEAL! I'll stalk G.O or Seungho everyday so then when they update us about Joonie twitter a/c hahahhahha

Haha but you don't want them to be single for their whole life right? that'll be really sad for them. But even if they have girlfriend or future wife, i hope it's not really some K-pop girls 'cause I don't really like K-pop girls that much. hahahaha

No, I'm from Batam, an island, really really near to Singapore, hehehe I'm not really mixed, Both my parents are Chinese but I'm born in Indonesia so yeah Indo-Chinese haha
Thank you:) It's okay~ I'm sorry too, but if I could I'd try to reply to any messages to you a.s.a.p.!!!

I live alone, sad.gif my parent are back in Indo but I have a sister moved here but we're not living together yet, so after my long break, I think I'd move in with her and we'll live together hehehe :3

Exactly, I think they really want their japanese pride, so our blaqies can't get what they deserve sad.gif How I wish there's other International Awards outside Japan or Korea, I bet they'd win it. Seriously, I want them to win something too, but the Korean website and voting, required to log in with the Korean Identification number, so we International fans can't vote, I'm really disappointed in their system sometimes. Our blaqies obviously deserve those award, I don't know why korean fans couldn't see that, see how good they are~ sigh.

Oh, you saw that? I thought nobody cares. ahhahaha, I'm using my sister's too! ahhahaha yeah, I voted every single day, I believe you will! No worries, I might not be able to vote for days too, sad.gif

Hahaha, maybe you need a korean tuition! My friends are going to have korean tuition too during our school break. hahahaha, i swear sometimes, google doesn't even know what did i typed hahahha it's a good start, if you know the number sequence slowly you'll know everything~! like me. hehehehe

Don't be so nervous! All the best for you~! I know you'll get good grades! wink.gif

I won't! In fact, me too! I'll think of you and your thoughtful messages and I bet I'll go crazy if I can't read your replies a.s.a.p. later on~ hahahaha I feel so encouraged by you~ Thank you! I'll keep on fighting with my exams~~~

Yeah! you're my first webpal actually, like even though it's only few messages but it feels like we have this looonnggg friendship! and actually I've been waiting for your reply today that I keep on checking my inbox hahahahhaha tongue.gif
It's okay, actually I want to do that 'quote' too but I don't know how, since this is my first time joining a fandom forum hahaha I only know how to reply on forum topics and shoutout box hahaha, sorry for my noob-ness sad.gif

Yeah, I can't buy either, no money to buy~ yeah, I heard that yesterday, I was shocked and sad but then I'm actually half sad, half happy. Sad because I can't see him in a drama after waited for so long but then on the other hand, happy for him because he can go for his comeback on december without the packed schedule! maybe that's the reason he withdraw from the drama. So I'd be waiting for their comeback on december~~~ hahaha it's okay, I'm kinda realistic, so seeing and supporting him from a far is enough for me, hahahaha

I saw that too the other day, but I'm not sure about that, cause I haven't even start on the letter sad.gif procrastination kills~ tongue.gif

Look forward to your reply soon~ biggrin.gif

With love,
Vinaaaaa~ heartemo.png

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