hehe.. one day, i know you will be able to buy mblaq cd keke
Thank you! I will patiently wait for their cd’s to appear here…
Until now, there are no MBLAQ cd’s sold in music stores here. There are many other Kpop cd’s but no MBLAQ T_T It’s so unfair.
You’re very lucky to have a kind unnie!! My unnie is bad : /
we go there and take care of each other while in korea hehe, it will be daebak!
Oh yeah!! ^^ I’m imagining we’ll not be staying much inside our house because we will be going anywhere will MBLAQ will go! hahahaha!
in brunei, there is no such thing as concert by korean artists :/
Y? I thought U-KISS already went there?
Btw, it’s the same in my city. There are no large concert halls here so, no Kpop concerts :’(
I feel really, really jealous of other places where MBLAQ would perform — even though those places are farther than Brunei and Davao City — I feel jealous of the Brazilian, Australian, American A+’s.
i heard making thesis is sooo hard :/ but i hope you can do well keke what are you taking?
Yap, it’s very hard. Thank you very much for your best wishes!
I’m taking up a teaching-related course/degree (Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies— I study history, economics, and law; I’m dying because of these things.)
How about you?
haha im just an average student keke
Me, too! But I believe you are better than me
dont get so stressed out yeah
enjoy life once in a while too ^^
Hehehe, this is my enjoyment — MBLAQ and ABM (talking to you and other A+’s)
btw were you suppose to study in brunei at first? what happend? O_O
Unfortunately, no T_T
If only I knew in 2009 (the year I went to college) that there are only 2 years of college there in Brunei, I would really study there ~ I would force my parents to send me there!!
dont say that you are like a lemon :/
I’m like a lemon most of the time at home that’s why I said that, hehehe ^^
you are a very nice person that i know!!!!!
This is soo shocking!! Ohh, don’t say this because you still don’t know how I become angry
i like the fact you are really honest like seungho! if seungho gets to know you, he will fall for you KEKE.
Oh my, you have shocked me again!! Huwat?? That’s impossible. I am honest (thank you very much for saying that I am
Lastly, this is the truth: You are the one Seungho will fall for!!
You are very honest, good-hearted, intelligent, hardworking, sweet, thoughtful, loyal, loving; surely, very pretty inside and outside!!
the Philippines are so nice and friendly here in brunei HEHE, very polite as well
Thank you very, very much for saying those very nice words about Filipinos there
maybe because we are A+ families KEKE. i hope this stays right? ^^
Oh yeah, it’s because we are A+ families!!
btw did you read the comment i gave? hehe its a link to send message to GO for his birthday ^^
Thank you very much for giving me that link!
And you’re the only one from Brunei who got included in it!! Congratulations!!
Oh my, why didn’t they do a message book for Seungho? (Or did they make one but I was just unaware of it)
i asked him to visit and chat us in absolutemblaq KEKE i hope he will T___T
Very good that you wrote that!! I really hope he will read and obey your message!! Kyaaa!! If he will comment in the shoutbox, all G.O. biases will faint, especially Eida unnie and Rossa unnie!!
no i dont have a daum account T__T we have to pay right? and it doesnt seem, its approved in brunei :S
What??!! This is a very bad news :’( I thought it was just for free.
By the way, I think I really won’t be able to make an account there. I tried to open their café once, it didn’t load up. It is a very heavy website :’( I’d just stalk their twitter ♥
Nice to meet an ex-ELF here ;D LOL, since we met MBLAQ, our worlds became only about them ♥♥♥♥♥
yeah i dont really like their new album actually too i was expecting more
Their concept is almost the same as Bonamana : / Ay, just because there are many ELFs in SK that’s why they won : ( Anyway, SJ isn’t #1 for 70 days in a Bulgarian music chart, hehehe!
even the ELF thought mona lisa is a good song, so sad...
Indeed! I feel very happy with this because they even help us in raising the views for Mona Lisa : ) Let us just hope one day will come that most ELFs will be converted into A+. That will be soo nice!!
i cried coz they weren’t treated nicely T______T
Oh, you’re such a true loving A+. I’m sure if MBLAQ saw you crying, they’d also cry and at the same time, they will try their best to comfort you.
I think other fandoms also appreciate their peformances but they didn’t vote for MBLAQ because they are loyal to their supported groups : (
anyway, ill try to make my siblings to get attracted to mblaq hehe,
They are not A+ yet? I know you will be successful ^^ Are they fans of what group/s?
OH YES!!! 2011 is really the year of MBLAQ! Finally, another show!!! I’m jealous of A-Pink though, hehehe — but I hope they are going to take care of different animals so that they won’t be much together!
My sister has an account in MBLAQ Attack: I’ll use it! : )) You’re soo kind & thoughtful to send me links for message books
I wish you have a very beautiful Saturday!!
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